

【作者】 及立平

【导师】 彭平一;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 宋恕是戊戌维新时期较有影响的一位思想家。他把反理学与改造儒学作为他社会批判和社会改革思想的理论先导;在政治方面,他对封建专制与政治进行了激烈的批判,并在此基础上提出了以“三始一始”为主要内容的政治改革方案;宋恕对封建文化的批判非常激烈,他主张学习西方,主张开办新式学校、图书馆、公园、阅报所等教育机构,提出了他称之为“直接教育”和“间接教育”相结合的大教育思想。 宋恕特别反对封建礼教对妇女的残害,从婚姻制度、妇女地位、道德标准和妇女教育等方面对妇女问题进行了全方位的探讨,提出了他的妇女解放思想。 宋恕的社会批判和社会改革思想是他所处时代的产物,也是他本人的文化背景和环境熏陶的结果,同时也与他接触下层社会较多有很大的关系。他的社会批判和社会改革思想在当时的思想界是独树一帜的,因而受到与他同时代的一些思想家的高度评价;特别是他思想中凸显的平民意识和对妇女问题的探讨,具有很强的批判性和启蒙性。同时,他试图以重塑儒学的方式来推动思想和文化变革,对寻求中华民族的新活力具有重要意义。 但宋恕的思想也有时代、阶级和他个人的局限性。他试图以“复三代”来学习西学,固然是他的一种策略,但也显露了他理论武器的软弱与无力;他思想上的激进和行动上的迟缓也相互矛盾,这一矛盾正是他的思想影响非常有限的主要原因。

【Abstract】 Songshu was an important ideologist in modern history of China. He thought a lot of the animadversion of the society and the reformation of the society. And the restoration of Confucianism is the forerunner of his theory. On the politics, he criticized the despotism and politics of the feudalism. The main content of his reformation is to set chamber, to change the system of government, to change the system of examination and to change the clothes. At the same time, he criticized the culture in his times and set up his theory as "big education" which including the direct education and the indirect education. So he requested to open schools, libraries, parks and reading rooms etc.Besides, Songshu brought forward his theory of women’s liberation on the following aspects: the system of marriage, the status of women, the standard of morality and the education of women. All these theories were based on his fight against the oppression in the society.Songshu’s theories of the animadversion of the society and the reformation of the society were based on his ages, his background and his surroundings. It’s related to his good-fellowship with the substrate. His theories of the animadversion of the society and the reformation of the society were advanced in his times, so he was commended by other ideologists in the same times. Especially his discussion of women and his tendency to the commons were illuminative and advanced. It’s important to search for the new energy of our nation when Songshu tried to drive the reformation of thought and culture by re-explaining the meaning of Confucianism.But Songshu’s theory was limited by the age, class and himself. For example, in order to learn from the West, he proposed "to go back the ancient". It’s a strategy in some extent, but as to the society, it’s weak and faint. Though his theories were Jacobinical but his action is conservative which was contrary to his theories and limited his theories’ to spread.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K256
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】189

