

Experimental Studies on Combustion of Coal Organic Waste Water Slurry

【作者】 解永刚

【导师】 赵翔; 刘建忠;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 工程热物理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 全国每年产生大量的工业、生活废水,处理这些废水需要花费大量的资金。 某些废水中含有制水煤浆的分散剂、稳定剂,因此将废水和煤粉混合可以制成废水水煤浆。在国内,利用有机废水制备水煤浆的技术很少,即使有部分学者进行这方面的研究,也是不够深入,尚处于初步阶段,还没有真正的投入到实际工程应用中去。 本文研究的废水水煤浆为淮化有机废液和煤粉混合而制成的有机废液水煤浆。文中对淮化20t/h锅炉的改造设计进行了介绍,并结合现场情况,对锅炉的运行情况做了介绍。作为首次成功应用有机废液水煤浆的工程实例,它十分成功,50%负荷下热效率达到85.234%,燃烧效率达到97.034%;在运行时,观察炉内燃烧情况,水煤浆燃烧稳定,浆火炬完整,不偏斜,火焰呈橙黄色,清晰明亮,无大火星,无黑烟,锅炉可以连续、安全、稳定运行。 文章介绍了改造后炉内燃烧、传热情况,包括温度场、燃烧后颗粒的分析、排烟的温度、成分等。在实验室内进行了基础试验研究,包括稳定性、流变特性和热分析试验。并同普通水煤浆进行了对比试验研究。

【Abstract】 A lot of industrial and domestic wastewater is produced in China every year. It costs a big deal of money to treat wastewater.In some wastewater, some component can be used as the additive to manufacture CWS. So wastewater and pulverized coal can be mixed to manufacture CWS, which we call coal wastewater slurry. It is a new technology In China, so that few scholars are studying it. Since this technology is at the beginning of pilot study, it is not applied in industry.In this paper, the test fuel is organic waste water slurry. We introduce the 20t/h steam chain boiler and the boiler’s operating characters. As the first industrial application of coal organic waste water slurry in China, the project was very successful. Under 50% load, heat efficiency and combustion efficiency could reach to 85.234% and 97.034%. In operating condition, we observed the following result: the coal organic wastewater slurry flame was steady, integrated, centered. The color of the flame was saffron and bright. There were not large spark particles in flame. Stack gas was white. The boiler could steadily, safely, continuously run.In this paper, we introduce the combustion characteristics, heat transfer characteristics. We measure the temperature, flame emissivity, exhaust gas temperature and composition. The particles in combustion chamber are analyzed. We also do some fundamental experiment including static stability, rheological properties and thermal analysis. At last contrast experiment is studied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】297

