

The Integrate System Design for the Acquisition of Deep-Sea Transducer Signal

【作者】 陈慧明

【导师】 陈鹰; 杨灿军;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 将物理化学传感器、信号处理电路及封装壳体的集成系统直接放入海底来探测、研究深海环境,由于是实地工作且成本低、周期短,能更真实的反映海底状况,因此越来越多的被用作研究深海资源的手段。 本论文研究的深海传感器信号处理与集成系统是在分析和总结国内外同类仪器的研究工作和现状的基础上,结合本课题的要求,利用一路温度传感器和三路化学传感器来感知深海温度、化学量的变化情况,并将这些变化转换为相应的电量参数。这些模拟的电量参数通过传感器信号处理电路系统中的模数转换而成为数字信号,并保存在系统的存储器中,待仪器上岸后转移到PC机中作进一步的数据分析。论文主要包括绪论、理论分析和关键技术、系统实现、集成系统试验研究及总结和展望等部分。 绪论阐述了深海资源研究开发的重要意义,建立了深海资源研究开发与传感器信号处理集成系统的关系。分析了国内外在利用传感器信号处理集成系统来研究深海资源方面取得的进展及研究现状。同时说明了本文的课题来源、主要研究内容及技术难点。 理论分析和关键技术部分从理论上保证了温度化学传感器的选型、测量方案的可行性及合理性。重点分析了温度、化学传感器的输出信号特征,根据这些特征及目前的信号处理技术,采用相应的测量模型以准确测量传感器的输出信号。 系统实现部分包括电路系统的硬件实现和软件实现。其中电路系统硬件设计是在对深海传感器信号处理电路设计要点进行总结归纳的基础上,以高灵敏度、自容式、低功耗为设计准则,进行系统的总体设计,并在文中对系统的各个功能模块作了详细的介绍。软件设计是根据系统功能的要求,以模块化设计的思想,对程序的主流程进行规划,同时重点分析了几个重要模块的设计方法及策略。 集成系统的试验研究主要包括系统集成方法,实验室试验及海洋试验。主要介绍了海试的方法及路径,并根据海试中所获得的数据,绘制了各个传感器的试验曲线,并作了简单的分析。 论文最后对全文进行总结,指出了工作的成果及不足指出,并提出了改进方案和今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Putting the transducer and it’s integrate system into deep sea directly to detect deep-sea environment, because of it’s field test and cheap cost, short work terms, has been an important method on the research of deep sea.According to researches of similar work in the world and the subject’s task, we have made an integrate system with one temperature and three chemical transducer. These transducer transduce deep-sea’s temperature and chemical parameter into voltage. The A/D module in the digital system will converse the analog voltage signal into digital signal, which will be saved in the system’s memory and received by PC computer. The dissertation is divided into introduction, theoretic modeling and key technic, system realization, system experiment, summarization and expectation.In introduction, we explain the important meanings on the research of deep-sea resource and the relationships between it and transducer integrate system. We also analyze the advancement on the research in transducer and it’s integrate system in the world. At the end of this part the research’s source, meaning and feasibility are brought out.The theoretic modeling provide the feasibility in transducer’s selection and their measurement model. This part mainly analyze the temperature and chemical transducer’s unique character and based on which we design the corresponding measurement method.System realization is divided into hardware and software. We design hardware according to the require of deep-sea transducer integrated system’s high sensitive, self-storage and low power principle. The software’s design are based on the modularization thinking. And the important hardware and software modules are also been explained in detail.The experiment part are make up of system integrate method, lab experiment and ocean experiment. We mainly explain ocean experiment’s method and draw the track according to the transducer’s signal data.At the end of dissertation,it is summed up the work and brought up the deeper research aim.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP212
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】403

