

Research on the Building of Knowledge Management Archtechture for the Manufacturing Enterprise:Taking Daqing Oilfield as Example

【作者】 岳文彤

【导师】 顾新建;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济全球化和知识化的飞速发展,知识经济已初见端倪。知识经济是指以知识为基础的经济,也就是说,真正的生产资料不再仅仅是资金、设备和原材料,而且更多的包括了知识的要素。世界银行副行长瑞斯查德说,知识是比原材料、资本、劳动力更重要的经济因素。美国管理学权威彼得·德鲁克认为,“在现代经济中,知识正成为真正的资本与首要的财富”。 知识经济的到来,将对我们的经济、社会、生活的各个方面产生极其深远的影响,对现有的生产方式、生活方式、思维方式、价值观念,包括经营管理乃至领导决策都将产生重大影响。知识经济在摒弃传统工业经济的同时,对于建立在传统丁业经济基础上的管理模式提出了挑战。作为经济社会的微观主体——企业将首当其冲地感受到这场经济领域的大变革给它们带来的巨大压力和动力。 现代企业必须做出相应的变革来适应新世纪全球化激变的市场环境,使企业在更加激烈的竞争中求得生存和发展。走知识化之路,实施知识管理的战略,是企业为迎接知识经济的到来而做出的反应。知识管理就是通过知识共享、运用集体智慧提高企业应变和创新能力。知识管理将是未来企业管理的关键课题之一。 大庆石油管理局是从原大庆油田分离出来的非核心业务部门,对油田的依赖性很强,适应市场能力较差。知识经济的悄然到来使油田存续企业面临更严峻的挑战,也带来了一次难得的历史发展机遇。如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战,能够使企业不但生存下来,还要创新发展,提高竞争力是当前油田存续企业的一项最重要的任务。为此,企业一方面要加大力度进行现代企业制度改造,彻底改变计划经济时代粗放的管理体制和模式,创造现代企业的机制环境和文化氛同,另一方面要注意用知识和技术武装企业,使企业成为知识型制造企业,提升企业竞争能力。要高瞻远瞩,认清当前的经济形式和经济特点,在企业改造过程中把先进的知识经济模式和知识管理工具纳入研究、探索、计划和实践中去,将知识管理工作作为企业一项重要的发展战略内容。 油田存续企业只能算是管理粗放型的传统制造企业,整体上离知识型制造企业还有很大距离。但这并不是说,油田存续企业就不需要采用知识管理的战略,就可游离于知识经济之外。相反,借助知识经济这一大的时代背景,利用知识管理工具,存续企业有可能实现飞跃发展。研究和采取知识管理的战略将有利于油田存续企业摆脱目前的困境。 本文以制造业为理论研究对象,着重研究在知识经济的大潮中,油田存续企业的生存与发展问题——即以知识管理为突破,实施知识管理战略,重构企业的组织结构和企业文化,创造有利于知识交流和共享的环境,构建自己的知识管理系统,从而提高企业的应变能力和核心竞争力。本文主要是对油田替代产业进行探索研究,并进行案例分析和实践,从而辐射整个存续企业。本文大体上可以分为基础知识准备、知识管理的理论与实践、前景与展望三部分内容。 第一部分包括前三章的内容,主要是介绍一些基础知识以及油田存续企业的现状分析。第一章是绪论,简单介绍了论文的背景和意义,并介绍了论文的主要内容,给出论文的总体结构框架。第二章知识经济和知识管理概述,论述了知识经济和知识管理的基础理论,并对知识经济下制造业的特征、生存环境及其对知识管理的迫切需要进行了研究,从而引出知识型制造企业的概念、特征等方面的论述。第三章是油田存续企业的现状分析,分析了在知识经济的影响下中国石油工业以及大庆油田分家分立后的状况,通过大庆鸿运橡胶厂破产的案例,分析了油田存续企业对知识管理的需求,并阐述了油田存续企业实施知识管理时应注意的儿个问题。 第二部分包括四、五两章的内容,是本文的主体部分,主要研究了知识管理的理论及在油田存续企业中的实践。 第四章是知识管理基础理论部分,从知识管理战略、知识管理方法和知识管理的评价等儿个方面对知识管理过程进行了详细的分析,结合大庆技术开发实业公司的实际情况,分析建立了自己的模型,并对实业公司知识管理实施前的状况、改进方向以及实施后的知识管理评价进行了分析。在此基础上,结合知识管理对企业核心竟争力的影响,说明实施知识管理项目对企业核心竞争力的影响,建立了企业核心竞争力评价的综合模糊评价模型,并利用此模型研究了实业公司知识管理实施前后核心竞争力的变化情况。 第五章是大庆技术开发实业公司知识管理体系建设案例研究。此章以大庆技术开发实业公司知识管理体系的建设为例,从建设目标、战略研究、组织结构和企业文化、总体框架、系统的功能设计、设计中用到的关键技术等几个方面对实业公司的知识管理体系建设进行了全面的分析和研究。作为知识交流和共享的平台,知识社区的建设在企业知识管理体系中应该占有重要的地位,知识社区的分析和设计也是本章所重点介绍的内容,详细地论述了知识社区的主要界面及主要实现的功能,为其他油田存续企业建立自己的隐性和显性知识交流和共享平台树立了典范。 第三部分是总结部分,主要包括第六章的内容,介绍了本论文写作过程中所做的主要实践和

【Abstract】 With the development of the globalization and intelligence of world’s economy, knowledge economy is coming. Knowledge economy is defined the economy based on knowledge. That is to say, the primary product material is not longer finance, equipment and raw material, but person’s knowledge included. The vice-president of World Bank said, knowledge is the more important economic element than raw material, capital and labor force. The authority of American management, Peter regarded that, "in modern economy, knowledge is becoming the real capital and the firstly important fortune.It’s coming, will deeply affect the all aspects of our economy, society and life, and will generate great effect on our production style, life style, thought style and value thought, including operation and management, even lead and decision-making. Knowledge economy puts forward challenge to management style, which based on traditional industry economy, spurning the traditional industry economy. As the micro main body of economy society, enterprise will feel the great pressure and motivity firstly brought by the transform.In order to adapt the globalized marketing environment, modern corporation must do some corresponding transform, so as to the corporation can survive and develop in the furious competition. Going to knowledged way, actualizing knowledge management tactic, is the necessary measures for the corporation in order to receive the coming of knowledge economy. Knowledge management (KM) is to enhance the response and innovation ability of a enterprise, through knowledge share and exerting collective intelligence. Knowledge management is one of the key problems of corporation management in the future.Daqing petroleum management bureau is the non-kernel operation separated from daqing oilfield, which is deeply depended on oilfield and which adaptability is very weak. The quiet coming of knowledge economy brought survived corporation of oilfield an uncommon opportunity of development. How to catch the opportunity and receive the challenge, making the corporation survived and innovation developed, enhancing kernel competition ability is one of the most important tasks of the survived corporation of oilfield. Therefor, one hand, the corporation should make innovation, thoroughly changing the coarse management system and style in the times of industry economy, creating the system environment and cultural atmosphere. On the other hand, the corporation should armed itself with knowledge and technology, making the knowledged industry corporation, enhancing its core competition ability. The corporation should show great foresight, recognizing current economy style and economy character, expanding its sights continuously.The survived corporations of oilfield can only be the coarse industry corporation, being far from the knowledged industry corporation wholly. But that is not to say, the survived corporations of oilfield don’t need knowledge management (KM), can be separated from knowledge economy. On the contrary, in virtue of the background of knowledge economy times, making us of the tools of KM, the survived corporations of oilfield probably realize the flight development. Researching and making the tactic of KM is helpful for the survived corporation of oilfield to get rid of the current difficulties.The research object of this article is manufacturing, emphasizing the problem of survival and development of the survived corporations of oilfield. That is to say, the corporations shouldactualize the tactic of KM, rebuilding the organization structure and corporation culture, creating the environment that is helpful to knowledge communion and knowledge share, setting up it’s KM system and enhancing the ability to adapt to the varieties and the core competition ability. The article mainly researched the survived corporations of oilfield, through cases analyzing and practice, covering with the whole survived corporations more. The article wholly can be divided three parts: the part one is the basic knowledge, part two is the theory a

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】527

