

The Study on Anti-money Laundering and the System of China Finance Regulation and Supervision

【作者】 杨红玉

【导师】 康书生;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 世界经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在世界经济一体化趋势下,反洗钱已成为一个国际性难题。各国政府和国际社会的反洗钱实践证明,现代金融体系已成为洗钱的主要渠道。 就我国金融业而言,一方面,作为世贸组织中正式的一员,融入世界金融体系、走向国际化的步伐大大加快,金融市场全面开放是大势所趋,另一方面,我国与国际惯例接轨的现代金融体系还未形成,现行的金融监管制度、体系还存在不少缺陷,金融法律不健全,金融业反洗钱的有效制度尚未建立,因此,在我国,建立健全的反洗钱监督控制体系有重要的现实意义。如何充分发挥金融系统在反洗钱中的预防和控制的作用,也是目前金融领域面临的一大课题。 本文对洗钱进行了历史溯源,探究了洗钱活动在我国横行的原因、特点、形式、危害,并从经济学的角度分析了国际洗钱与反洗钱的行为。在对我国金融业反洗钱进行一系列现状分析的基础上,指出了金融业反洗钱制度措施中存在的不足和薄弱环节:金融环境的不规范,反洗钱法制建设滞后,金融从业人员缺乏相应的培训,国际反洗钱合作具有难度等,并借鉴西方发达国家反洗钱的成功经验,提出了我国金融业反洗钱的框架制度和应采取的措施:健全反洗钱法律保障,建立统一的反洗钱组织程序,在完善用户实名制基础之上,建立以了解你的客户制度、大额交易报告制度、可疑交易报告制度、保存记录制度、员工教育培训制度为核心的金融系统有效的反洗钱的内控制度,规范金融市场,密切反洗钱的国际合作,进一步加强对于洗钱行为的金融监管。 反洗钱是一个复杂的社会问题,它所涉及的领域非常广泛,包括法律、金融、税务、商业、外交等。任何一个领域的单独努力,共结果只能是事倍功半,难有成效。只有各领域一起动手,打破行业间的界线,加强协作,信息共享,才能有效地打击洗钱犯罪。

【Abstract】 Under the trend of unifying global economy, anti-money laundering has become an international difficult problem. Governments of all the world and the international in the anti-money laundering activity have given us the proof-modern financial system has been the main way to money laundering.As far as china finance, on the side, as a formal member of WTO, accords to the system of the international finance and steps more quickly into internationalization, at the same time, the financial market opening widely is a great trend. On the other hand, china hasn’t founded the modern finance system in accordance with international practice,and the current system of supervision regulation still exists many defects:not the safe and stable financial law and not building the available system to anti-money laundering. How to play fully the role in the control and precaution to anti-money laundering, which is a big issue to the current financial fields. To build the system of the safe financial regulation and supervision to anti-money laundering has the important and realistic meaning.This article is based on the currents analysis of the financial to anti-money laundering in china and points out some defect and weakness existing the measure on the system of the financial to anti-money laundering and borrows some successful experience from the abroad. And the article points out that we should take the proper measure and frame of financial to anti-money laundering in china.Anti-money laundering is a complicated social problem,which concerns many fields such as law, finance, taxation, bussiness,diplomacy etc. only all fields take action together, breaking the boundry of all trades, and strengthening the corporation, sharing the same information, which get the good effect to attack the money laundering.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】374

