

Learn from Japan to Strengthen Our Competitive Power of Automobile Industry

【作者】 韩建东

【导师】 郭士信;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 世界经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车产业是国民经济的支柱产业,也是世界范围内可持续发展的重点行业,其竞争力的高低直接关系到国家的经济安全。加入WTO意味着中国经济将真正融入世界经济,成为全球化经济的一部分。作为WTO的一员,中国在享受其权利的同时,也必须履行其承诺和义务。随着我国汽车市场的全面开放,中国汽车工业将直面国际挑战。当前,我国汽车产业的国际竞争力与发达国家相比,还存在一定的差距。中国汽车产业存在产业政策与WTO不适应、经济规模和生产集中度低、劳动生产率水平和专业化程度不高、营销方式和营销体系不健全、研究开发能力弱、需求结构不够合理、制约消费的因素较多等不利因素。因此,中国的汽车产业只能划入幼稚产业的行列。而WTO后中国对汽车产业的保护期只有五、六年时间,在如此短的时间内,如何使中国汽车产业强大起来,足以抵御世界汽车跨国大公司的冲击,这是中国汽车产业面临的最大课题。 汽车产业有一种强者愈强的趋势,只有具备必要客观条件,善于利用有利机遇,选择正确的发展战略的国家才能取得最后的成功。对于中国而言,在保护期内进行汽车产业政策调整、实施产业组织合理化、汽车工业技术创新模式构建及优化服务环节等,均显得重要而迫切。而日本作为一个发达国家,其汽车产业的发展有很多地方值得我们学习和借鉴。 文章共分五章:第一章引言主要说明了文章的目的意义和主要内容;第二章产业竞争力的理论综述。第三章对日本汽车产业发展中政府作用、企业战略的研究,第四章着重分析了中国的汽车产业现状与成因;第五章在前几章的基础上,根据世界汽车产业发展的新特点,对中国对汽车产业的发展战略提出了几个方面的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Automobile industry is the key industry to support our national economy, and it is also one of the important and sustainable development industries. Its competitive power is related to the stability of one country’s economy. China’s WTO accession will make Chinese economy integrated into the global economy. As one of the WTO members, China is supposed to abide by the WTO rules and honor its commitments while enjoying its rights. With Chinese automobile market opening to the outside world on a broader scale, Chinese automobile industry is bound to face stern international challenges. Now, there is a long way to go to keep up with other countries’ automobile industry. It is Chinese automobile industries that have low economic scale and it is low concentration degree, low productivity ratios and specialized levels, marketing way and marketing system imperfect, R&D ability weak, demand structure very rational, restrict consuming etc, which is more factors unfavorable factor . So Chinese automobile industry can only be put under the ranks of the immature industry. There are only five, six years to automobile industry protection period in China after WTO, in being so short time, how make of our country getting strong industry automobiles, enough to resist the impact of the big automobile trans-corporation of the world, which is the greatest subject that an automobile industry of our country faces.There are a kind of powerhouse’s, the stronger trends in the auto industry, only possess the essential objective condition, good at utilizing the favorable opportunity, could make last success, to choose the correct country developing strategically. As to our country carry on the industry to organize rationalization adjusting, auto industry technological innovation mode to structure, optimize the link of serving and make to the scientific talent strategically etc in protection period which is important and urgent apparently. Japan as a developed country, its automobile industry is the best reference for Chinese to learn from.The paper includes five chapters, the introduction of chapter one has stated the purpose and meaning of the selected title and main content mainly; In Chapter 2, the economical base theory of industry competitive power. Chapter3, the relatively study on Japanese government and enterprises function at developing strategy of automobile industries. In Chapter 4, the current situation and origin cause of automobile industry of our country emphatically ; In Chapter 5, according to the new characteristic which the automobile industry of the world develops, the author has proposed some policy suggestion to the development strategy to the Chinese automobile industry:

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.471
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】736

