

The Study of Citing Allusion Theory in Archaic Chinese

【作者】 郭蓉

【导师】 王占福; 时永乐;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 用典,是引用修辞方式的一种,指的是运用典故来表情达意。由于其所引语料的特殊性使得它在引用之外又形成了自我鲜明的特色,极具研究价值。因此,该篇文章在借鉴古代文献有关用典现象的论述及近年来相关论文的研究成果的基础上,针对研究现状中的一些不足之处,就此一课题进行了比较系统的探讨。 首先,对用事、用典与引用三者之间的关系加以分析辨别,澄清了用典修辞研究过程中在基本概念的运用上存在的一些指称混乱的现象,明确了典故及用典的内涵。其次,沿着用典产生、运作及接受效果的一般发展轨迹,结合有关的修辞理论,阐述了用典运作的思维机制、基本规律与功能意义,对用典的方法、要求与禁忌等进行了总结。在此基础上,尝试为古代汉语用典修辞理论建立起一个较为体系化的构架。 文章结合用典实践,在具体探讨过程中,探其根源,理其脉络,究其功用,力图为用典修辞勾勒出一个大致的概貌,从而在古代汉语修辞学史上给予它应有的地位。

【Abstract】 Citing allusion is a kind of rhetoric quomodo of adduction, which means expressing one’ s sentiment and sense by citing allusion. Due to the particularity of its lingual materials, it is provided with vivid traits and has tarnal more researchful value. So the article refers to the dissertation concerned in archaic literatures and production of some theses in recent years, makes a more systemic discuss on this subject aiming at the limitation.First, analyze the relation among yongshi. citing allusion and adduction, defecate the confusion in appellation of basic conceptions and define the meaning of allusion and citing allusion. Secondly, following the common track of its emergence. action and effect, we set forth its thinking mechanism. principal disciplinarian and function using involved rhetoric theories and sum up the methods and tactic in the course of citing allusion. By this try to set up a more systematism frame for the theory of citing allusion in archaic Chinese.The article digs its source. coordinates its venation and explores its effect combining the practice of citing allusion, strive for outlining general picture, thereby give it a proper station in the history of archaic Chinese rhetoric.

【关键词】 古代汉语引用用事用典典故
【Key words】 archaic Chineseadductionyongshiciting allusionallusion
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H131
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】697

