

Preparation of Ultra-filtration Membrane and Its Performance Research

【作者】 于丽青

【导师】 孙建民;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 分析化学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文共包括五章。第一章是综述,对各种现行的化学法、物理化学法处理重金属废水技术的基本原理和特点进行了综述。同时指出在多数方法的处理过程中由于不同程度的加入了某些化学试剂,所以在选用处理方法时应考虑有可能对环境造成的二次污染。 第二章以壳聚糖为原料,2%乙酸为溶剂,研究了铸膜液组成和若干因素对膜性能的影响。选择适当的膜液组成和制备条件,可以制得截留分子量为67000的超滤膜。该膜对0.1%牛血清蛋白的截留率可达90%以上。 第三章报道了壳聚糖超滤膜的制备及主要性能,确定了壳聚糖溶液成膜的最佳条件,制备的超滤膜透水速度为3—4mL/cm2·h,对0.1%牛血清蛋白溶液的截留率可达90%。用此膜对低含量重金属废水进行处理,结果表明:通过调节溶液的pH值,使重金属离子在水溶液中形成胶体,用壳聚糖超滤膜可有效地去除水中pb2+、Cd2+、Zn2+、Cu2+等金属离子的氢氧化物。 第四章采用超滤分离法对中草药茯苓中生命元素Mn、Mg、K进行了初级形态的研究。用0.45μm滤膜将茯苓水煎液分成可溶态和悬浮态。对于可溶态,再用0.22μm、0.15μm、以及分子量分别为5万、1万的超滤膜进行逐级分离。用火焰原子吸收法测定各级滤液中元素含量。结果表明:茯苓水煎液中,Mg、K结合的络和物粒径主要在大于0.22μm和小于3.8nm范围,Mn的络和物粒径分布在不同范围。 第五章对鹌鹑、鸡、鸭、鹅四种食品蛋中八种生命元素进行了测定,比较了元素在蛋黄和蛋白中的含量,经过与人体血液中相应元素含量对比,发现四种蛋类中八种生命元素的含量与人体血液中相应元素含有相似的分布规律。并且铜、锌、铁、钙、镁、锰六种元素主要存在于蛋黄中,碱金属钾、钠在蛋白中含量略高,显示蛋中金属元素主要以有机态形式存在,是人体金属元素合适比例的补给源。

【Abstract】 This paper consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, the fundamentals and features of various methods oftreatment of wastewater containing heavy mentals are reviewed. The problems of re-pollution are raised in the course of wastewater-treatment. The evaluation of various methods of treatment technology are discussed.In the second chapter, chitosan and 2% acetic acid were selected to cast membrane. The effects of casting solution composition and several- factors on membrane performance were studied. The UF membrane with molecular weight cut off 67000 can be made by selecting proper composition of casting solution and preparation condition. The rejection was more than 90% in separation of 0.1% Bovine Serum albumin.In the third chapter, Preparation and properties of chitosan film were studied . Optimal process conditions of chitosan solution filming were defined. The UF film of water rate is 2-3 mL/ cm2h and the rejection of 0.1% Bovine Serum albumin is more than 90% can be made. The possibilities of removing heavy mental from waste-water with UF film were studied. The experimental results indicated that selecting CS film may be able to remove colloidal heavy mental ions effectively such as Pb2+ Cd2+. Zn2+. Cu2+ hydroxides through changing pH values.In the fourth chapter, A method for the primary speciation analysis of Mn, Mg and K in Chinese herbals Poria cocos (schw.) wolf separated by ultrafiltration. The decoction of sample was divided two species including soluble and suspended solid by 0.45祄 filter membrane. All kinds of speciation of mentals were separated furtherly by ultrafiltration membrane of 0.22祄, 0.1 5祄, 6.6nm and 3.8nm. All above mental species were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The results showed that the size of compounds of Mg, K is bigger than Q.22[im. Some of them is smaller than 3.8nm. The size of compounds of Mn is distributed in a range of 3.8nm~0.45祄. Others is smaller than 3.8nm.In the fifth chapter, The amounts of eight elements CUN Zn. Mg. Ca. Fe. K and Na in the hen’s egg. duck’s egg. quail’s egg. goose’s egg as well as human blood were investigated, respectively. The studied result shows that the distribution of amount of eight elements in the eggs is similar to that of in human blood, and the amount of six elements Qu Zn. 1V. Ca. Fe and Mn in egg whit is much less than that in yolk.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】346

