

Hedgerow New Pest--Study on Rhamnomia Dubia (Hsiao)

【作者】 叶世森

【导师】 陈顺立;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林保护学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 拉缘蝽Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao)是福建省南平市庭园绿篱上的一种新害虫,寄主植物有卵叶小蜡、桂花、女贞。拉缘蝽属半翅目、缘蝽科、拉缘蝽属,若虫有5龄。前胸背板的特征和翅芽是否显现是若虫分龄的重要依据。本文首次报道了拉缘蝽各龄若虫的形态特征、该虫的生物学特性、种群消长规律、种群空间格局、并提出了该虫的抽样技术和防治技术措施。 拉缘蝽在福建南平1 a发生2代,世代重叠,以成虫在卵叶小蜡上越冬,4月上旬,成虫开始出蛰活动,4月中下旬,成虫开始产卵,第1代若虫在5月上旬孵化,6月下旬出现第1代成虫;7月上旬出现第2代的卵,7月下旬第2代若虫孵化,9月中旬出现第2代成虫。 雌虫交配后2—3 d开始产卵,雌虫一生只产卵1次,产卵量4~10粒,卵期为10~17 d。孵化率较高,达95%以上。雌雄两虫腹部向对交配0.5~1 d,产卵后7~10 d死亡,第1代成虫的寿命约17.6 d,第2代成虫平均寿命211.6 d。 在5~6月份,随着大量的若虫孵化,害虫的数量增多,为害渐见严重,出现第1次为害高峰;7月下旬至8月下旬,第1代的4、5龄若虫、成虫和第2代1龄若虫共同为害,是为害的第2次高峰期,也是为害最严重期:到10月以后,第2代的若虫逐渐减少,11月后种群数量处于全年的较低点。 通过频次分布检验表明拉缘蝽的若虫和成虫在卵叶小蜡上均符合负二项分布、核心分布和波松二项分布,极不符合二项分布和复合波松分布。 通过聚集度指标检验表明拉缘蝽的1-3龄若虫、4-5龄若虫和成虫等各虫态的空间分布均属于聚集分布,拉缘蝽1~3龄若虫高度聚集,4~5龄若虫聚集度下降,成虫聚集度更低。 通过回归模型检验,求得IwaoM*—(?)回归分析M*=0.2634+1.0575(?)(r=0.9925**),Taylor的幂法则S2=6.457(?)1.1553(r=0.9621**),兰星平聚集度指标回归模型La=0.213+1.0289(?)(r=0.9982)、L′=1.2004+叶世森绿篱新害虫—拉缘蜷的研究1 .05045,(r二0.9981)、C‘=0.7868+0.97llX(r=0.998)、M,=0.8435+0.6076 52(r=0.9912),表明拉缘蜻若虫和成虫呈聚集分布,6个模型的相关系数r均很高,表明了6个回归模型都是有效的,分别从不同角度说明了拉缘蜻呈高度聚集分布。 通过刀切估计法对拉缘蜻若虫和成虫的聚集度指标进行刀切估计,表明拉缘蜷的空间分布为聚集分布。 通过零频率法求得刀<刀‘,P0。>。,表明种群的空间格局为聚集型,种群类型为聚集度零频率制约型。 采用Bliackith种群聚集均数(元)检验聚集原因,;=mr/Zk=3.5285>2。表明拉缘蜻的聚集由昆虫行为或昆虫行为与环境异质性两因素互作引起。 M*/X时序变化的总趋势呈高一低一高一低一高,即拉缘蜻种群表现为聚集一扩散一聚集一扩散一聚集的趋势。根据Lloyd(1967)的方法,拉缘蜷在一切密度下呈聚集分布,各代聚集程度与虫口密度负相关。 基于在拉缘蜻空间格局的基础上建立了工wao序贯抽样表、Kuno风险决策序贯抽样表、工wao一Kuno(1968)理论抽样数和零频率方法的理论抽样数。 化学防治试验结果表明:不同种类化学农药的防治效果从大到小依次为90%敌百虫晶体、20%杀灭菊酷乳油、40%乐果乳油、80%敌敌畏乳油,且4种农药对拉缘蜻都有较好的防治效果。农药混合试验表明,40%乐果乳油、80%敌敌畏乳油、90%敌百虫晶体以1:1 000倍液混合防治效果最好。 栽培技术防治试验结果表明;卵叶小蜡的修剪对拉缘蜻的虫口增长起到很大抑制作用,能有效地防止拉缘蜷为害。当绿篱受到拉缘蜷为害较为严重时,树势较弱,树体老化,可进行绿篱截干更新复壮。

【Abstract】 Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) hazards Ligustrum sinense Lour at the hedge in Nanping badly.It can parasitize Ligustrum sinense Lour Osmanthus fragrans Lour and Ligustrum lucidum Ait.The life history has egg nymphae and imago three stage . It belongs to paurometaboly. Nymphae has five instar. The character of prothorax tergum and wing budare is the important gist of how to divide the nymphae instar. This test fist reports that the character of all instar nymphs, Biological characteristic Spatial distribution patterns Sample technique Integtated control technique.Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) has two genetations each year and overwinters with imago on branch. The imago begins to active in the first ten days of April. The imago begins to oviposit in the middle ten days of April. The first generation nymphae hatchs in the first ten days of May. The first generation imago emerges in the last ten days of June. The second generation egg emerges in the first ten days of July. The second generation nymphae hatchs in the last ten days of July. The second generation imago emerges in the middle ten days of Septemper.It is 2~3 days that the female imago begins to oviposit after coitus. The female imago oviposits only once lifetime, the oviposit quantity is 4~10 granule. The time of egg is 10-17 days. The hatch rate is high, more than 95%. The female and male mate for 0.5~1 day with their venters face to face. It is 7-10 days that the female imago dies after oviposit. The natural life of first generation imago is 17.6 days.In the May and June , the quantity of the pest increases when the nymphae hatchs. The scathe is serious gradually and the first scathe peak appears. From the last ten days of july to the lastten days of August, the 4-5 instar nymphs and imago of the 1st generation the 1 instar nymphae of the 2nd generation attack together, it is the 2nd scathe peak . The quantity of the 2nd generation nymphae reduces gradually after October, the quantity of species group is least of the whole year after November.The frequency distribution test shows that the distribution of Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) coincides with negative binomial distribution core distribution and possin binomial distribution, but it does not coincide with binomial distribution and compound possin distribution.The aggregation index test shows that the space distrubution of Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) coincide with aggregation distrubution, The 1~3 instar nymphae gather highly, the aggregation degree of 4-5 instar nymphae down, the aggregation degree of imago are lower.The regression model test shows that M=0. 2634+1.0575 X(r=0. 9925**), S2=6. 457 X1.1553 (r=0. 9621**), La=0. 213+ 1. 0289X(r=0. 9982) L’ =1.2004+1.0504 S2 (r=0.9981), C’=0.7868 +0. 9711X (r=0. 998), M*=0. 8435 + 0. 6076 S2 (r=0. 9912) . That show thespace distrubution of Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) coincides withaggregation distrubution. The correlation coefficients of sixmodel are very high. It shows that the six regression model arevalidate. It shows that the space distrubution of Rhamnomiadubia (Hsiao) coincides with aggregation distrubution fromdifferent point of view.The aggregation index of Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) that is estimated by knife-slices estimate method shows that the space distrubution of Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) coincides with aggregation distrubution.It is calculated that B<B’, P00 >0 by the zero frequency method.That shows the space distrubution of Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) coincide with aggregation distrubution. The species group type is "zore frequency dependent" .The aggregation causation is tested by the Bliackithspecies group aggregation average number( ). x =mr/2k=3.5285 >2. It shows the aggregation of Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) is caused by the insect behaviour or the insect behaviour and environment inhomogeneity effect each other.The general current of M*/X time series change shows high- low - high - low - high. That mearns the change current of Rhamnomia dubia (Hsiao) species group is aggregation -diffusion- aggregation -diffusion -aggreg

  • 【分类号】S436.8
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