

Suitability and Quality Evaluation of Regional Vegetable Plantation Based on GIS

【作者】 陈燕婷

【导师】 邢世和;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 土壤学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以莆田市荔城区基本农田保护区耕地为研究对象,综合参考国内外有关无公害、绿色和有机食品的土壤环境质量标准,按发展无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜对土壤条件和质量的要求,将耕地土壤地力要素和环境质量要素紧密结合,在野外实地调查采样和室内分析测试的基础上,利用数学模型探讨并建立区域无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜地适宜性及其质量评价的因子体系,借助GPS、GIS和数学模型集成技术分别开展区域无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜地适宜性、质量及其限制性评价,进而建立区域无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜地适宜性、质量及其限制性评价的空间和属性数据库,并结合评价区域的蔬菜生产实际,深入探讨无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜地保护和可持续利用对策。 三种标准蔬菜地适宜性评价初选因子的主成分分析结果表明,由环境综合污染指数、全盐量、pH、坡度等21个因子构成的前12个主分量对无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜地适宜性及其质量的贡献率分别为87.64%、87.82%和87.83%;主因子分析结果表明由环境综合污染指数、有机质、pH、全盐量等18--21个因子构成的前17个主分量对无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜地适宜性及其质量的累计贡献率分别为95.73%、95.84%和95.84%,表明这些评价因子已从立地条件、土壤理化性状、农田基本建设和环境质量等方面反映了无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜地适宜性及其质量的绝大部分信息。综合主成分和主因子分析结果,结合各评价因子对蔬菜地适宜性及其质量重要性的理论分析,认为耕地土壤环境综合污染指数、有机质等20个因子可作为区域无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜地适宜性及其质量评价的主导因子。 蔬菜地适宜性及其质量评价结果表明:荔城区适宜发展无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜生产的耕地面积分别为7350.06公顷、5014.22公顷和1913.91公顷,分别占基本农田保护区耕地总面积的81.68%、55.72%和21.27%,说明全区适宜于蔬菜生产的耕地数量随蔬菜质量安全要求的提高而逐渐减少,适宜于发展有机蔬菜生产的耕地数量已极其有限。荔城区适宜发展无公害蔬菜生产的耕地主要分布于北高、黄石和新度镇,其次是西天尾镇,表明全区适宜发展无公害蔬菜的耕地主要分布于中部的“兴化平原”和东南部的滨海低丘台地区,而北部低山区则分布面积较少。荔城区适宜发展绿色蔬菜生产的耕地主要分布于北高和新度镇,其次是黄石和西天尾镇,表明全区适宜发展绿色蔬菜生产的耕地主要分布于人日密度相对较低、污染源企业相对较少的北部低山区和东南部低丘台地区。荔城区适宜发展有扫L蔬菜生产的耕地主要分布于北高镇,新度镇壶公山坡麓地区也有小面积分布,表明全区适宜发展有机蔬菜生产的耕地均分布一J二受人为活动影响较少、相对偏僻、无污染源企业分布的区域,而位于“兴化平原”的基木农田保护区耕地均己无法满足有机蔬菜生产对上壤环境质量的要求。 评价结果还表明:荔城区适宜发展无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜生产的耕地总体质量不高,均以中度和一般适宜的二、三等地为主,分别占相应宜菜地总面积的57.28%、“.86%和95.16%。适宜发展无公害蔬菜生产的高质量耕地主要分布于黄石镇和拱辰(办事处),适宜发展绿色蔬菜生产的高质量耕地主要分布于黄石和新度镇:而适宜发展有机蔬菜生产的高质量耕地则多数分布寸二一1匕高镇。全区适宜发展无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜生产的耕地均以旱限制、缺硼限制、缺硫限制和缺钙限制型为主:其次为痔瘦限制、酸限制、缺钾限制、缺钎1限制、缺磷限制、缺锌限制和缺镁限制型;此外还有少量的侵蚀限制、砂限制、障碍层限制和渍涝限制型。无公害蔬菜地的旱限制主要分布于北高镇;缺硼限制主要分布于北高、新度和西天尾镇;缺硫限制除拱辰(办事处)没有外,其它乡镇均有一定面积分布,尤以北高镇最为突出:缺钙限;!川也主要分布于北高镇;绿色和有机蔬菜地的旱限制、缺硼限制、缺硫限制和缺钙限制均主要分布于北高镇。 综合分析荔城区的耕地外业调查及无公害、绿色和有机蔬菜地适宜性、质量及其限制型评价结果可以看出:全区蔬菜地存在着环境污染较为严章、总体质量不高、缺水比较严乖、」二壤养分失衡和酸化现象较明显等主要问题。针对这些问题,联系全区蔬菜生产与发I廷实际,木研究提出保护高质址蔬菜地、科学开展蔬菜生产墓地建设规划、控制污染源、改良中低产蔬菜地、乖视有机肥施用、加强农田水利建设和化肥、农药和灌溉水的管理、推)“‘护占洁生产等10项措施。

【Abstract】 The paper regarded the cultivated land of the basic farmland protection area in the licheng region of Putian city as the research object. And then thoroughly comparing with the domestic and international environmental quality criterions of soil about ecological, green and organic food, according to the requisitions of soil condition and quality for developing three vegetable production, the key elements of soil capacity were closely combined with the key elements of environmental quality and, mathematic model was utilized to discuss and set up the factors system of the suitability and quality evaluation of ecological, green and organic vegetable plantations on the basis of the datum that resulted from the field investigations and lab analysis of the representative plots of cultivated lands. Then the suitability, quality and limitation of regional ecological, green and organic vegetable plantations were evaluated by GPS, GIS and mathematics model, and then the data-base of the space and property which included the suitability, quality and limitation of the regional ecological, green and organic vegetable plantations was established. At last, Combined with the practice of regional vegetable, the paper discussed the protection and sustainable use of the ecological, green, organic vegetable plantation.The analysis results of principal components of factors screening primarily for the suitability assessment of three standard vegetable plantations showed that the first 12 essential components, composed of environmental integrative pollution index, total salt content, pH-value, slope and so on, twenty-one factors, were contributed 87.64%, 87.82% and 87.83% to the suitability and quality of ecological, green and organic vegetable plantations, respectively. The main factors analysis results showed that what the former 17 main weights of 18-21 factors, made up of environmentalintegrative pollution index, organic matter, pH-value, the total salt content and etc, had done the sum of their weights for the suitability and quality of ecological, green and organic vegetable plantations were 95.73%, 95.84% and 95.84%, respectively. The results indicated that these assessment factors had already represented the most information of the suitability and quality about ecological, green and organic vegetable plantations on the aspects of the soil condition, the soil physical and chemical properties, the capital farmland construction and the environmental quality. Integrating with the results of the principal component and main factors analysis, combining with the theoretical analysis of the factors importance to the suitability and quality of ecological, green and organic vegetable plantation, the paper thought that the 20 factors such as environmental integrative pollution index, organic matter and etc, could be regarded as the major evaluating factors to assess the suitability and quality of ecological, green and organic vegetable plantation.The results of evaluating the suability and quality of ecological, green and organic vegetable plantation showed that the cultivated areas developing those vegetables production in Licheng region of Putian city were 7350.06 hectares, 5014.22 hectares and 1913.91 hectares respectively and their areas were 81.68%, 55.72% and 21.27% of total cultivated land of the basic farmland protection area separately. By the increasing safe request to the quality of vegetables, the amount of cultivated land had been decreasing gradually and the cropland suitable for developing organic vegetable plantation was finite in quantity. The croplands suitable for ecological vegetables were mostly distributed in Beigao, Huangshi and Xindu town. The next was Xitianwei town. It indicated that the mainly districts were distributed in the middle of "Xinghua plain" and the low mesa in the southeast seashore for developing ecological, green and organic vegetable plantation. The district in the northern low relief terrain was distributed less. The cultivated lands suitable for green vegetables were mostly distributed in Be

  • 【分类号】S126
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】310

