

Study on Chemical Control of Hemiberlesia Pitysophila Takagi

【作者】 胡艳红

【导师】 陈顺立;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林保护学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究于2001~2003年在福建省福清市音西村林地和西海村林地,以室内研究和林间研究结合进行。室内主要采用12种农药对松突圆蚧进行毒力测定和复配剂的增效测定,林间主要以室内筛选所得药剂进行防治效果的研究以及农药在林下土壤中的残留动态研究。 室内毒力测定供试昆虫为室内饲养的松突圆蚧一龄若虫,测定方法采用浸液法,所用药剂主要有:机油乳油、杀扑磷乳油、毒死蜱乳油、喹硫磷乳油、高效氯氰菊酯乳油、木虱净乳油、乐果乳油、三唑磷乳油、扑虱灵可湿性粉剂、吡虫啉可湿性粉剂、啶虫昧乳油、敌敌畏乳油等。测定结果表明,啶虫咪对松突圆蚧一龄若虫的毒力最高,其次为木虱净乳油、高效氯氰菊酯乳油、喹硫磷乳油、杀扑磷乳油、毒死蜱乳油、三唑磷乳油、机油乳油、吡虫啉可湿性粉剂、乐果乳油、扑虱灵可湿性粉剂;敏感性较大的有机油乳油、杀扑磷乳油、定虫咪乳油、毒死蜱乳油、喹硫磷乳油等。复配增效测定表明,机油与毒死蜱以13:10混配,共毒系数最大,为405.41,增效3.05倍:机油与杀扑磷以29:10混配,共毒系数为322.08,增效2.22倍。 林间防治效果研究分两个实验地进行,音西村施药时间为2003年6月中旬,西海村施药时间为2003年10月,均采用喷雾法施药,所用药剂有机油乳油、毒死蜱乳油、杀扑磷乳油、高效氯氰菊酯乳油、喹硫磷乳油、机油与毒死蜱、机油与杀扑磷、毒死蜱与杀扑磷、毒死蜱与扑虱灵、毒死蜱与吡虫啉、杀扑磷与扑虱灵、杀扑磷与吡虫啉、啶虫咪与吡虫啉、杀扑磷与高效氯氰菊酯。结果表明,五种单剂的防治效果以毒死蜱1:400倍液到1:800倍液的效果较好。复配剂的林间实验表明,毒死蜱与杀扑磷以11:25混配防治效果最好,1:400浓度混剂药后14天的总体防治效果达90%以上,21天的总体防治效果仍有72.9%,1:800浓度混剂药后14天的总体防治效果在80%以上,药后21天的总体防治效果是66.52%;其次为毒死蜱与扑虱灵11:20混剂,混剂1:400倍液的总体防治效果药后14天达94.18%,21天达80.5%;1:800倍液药后14天总体防治效果为78.65%,21天后的总体防效为69.71%;再次,啶虫咪与吡虫啉1:1混剂1:3000倍液药后14天的总体防治效果80.55%;其它配方与配比的防治效果比相应单剂也各有所提高。 林下土壤中农药的残留动态研究主要采用气相色谱法测定药后当天及1天、3天、7天、14天、21天土壤中的农药残留量,主要测定的药剂有毒死蜂和杀扑磷,它们分别为中等毒性和高毒农药。结果表明,两种农药在土壤中的残留量高,毒死蜂在土壤中的平均半衰期为n .48天,杀扑磷在土壤中的平均半衰期为10.49天。可见,以毒死蟀和杀扑磷防治松突圆蛤,应当充分考虑到药剂对人畜以及生态环境的潜在危害。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, toxicity of 12 pesticides of as well as their cotoxicities to Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi was tested in the laboratory; The control effects of some single pesticide and some mixture pesticides were investigated; The residue dynamic of Chlopyrifos and Methidathion in soils under treated pine were also studied.The toxicity of all pesticides to H.pitysophila was determined by dipping method in laboratory. The first instar larval which was innoculated and reared indoor were used to test. The results showed that Acetaniprid had the highest toxicity, followed by mushijin, beta-cypermethrn, quinalphos, methidathion, chlorpyrifos, triazophos, petroleum, imidacloprid, dimethoate and buprofezin, but the order of their sensitivity to the toxicity of pesticides was petroleum, methidathion, acetaniprid, chlorpyrifos, quinalphos and so on . The mixed proportion screening indicated that the mixed petroleum with chlopyrifos at the ratio of 13:10 and petroleum with methidathion at the ratio of 29:10 had highest co-toxicity coefficient which were 405.41 and 322.08, respectively.The control effect investigated was carried out at two sites. At Yinxi, petroleum, chlorpyrifos, methidathion,quinalphos and beta-cypermethrin were used to control H. pitysophila by spraying. All 5 pesticides had somewhat effect on H. pitysophila at each stage. Among them, chlopyrifos at the concentration of 1:800 to 1:400 had the highest effect. At Xihai, 9 mixtures were used to spray, mix chlopyrifos with methidathion at the ratio of 11:25 had the highest control effect at the concentration of 1:400. The mortalities reached 90% after 14 days and 72.9% after 21 days ; At the concentration of 1:800, the mortalities were a little lower which were 80% after 14 days and 66.52% after 21 days. As for mix chlorpyrifos withbuprofezin at the ratio of 11:20, the mortalities reached 94.18% after 14 days and 80.63% after 21 days when this mixrure was at the concentration of 1:400, at the concentration of 1:800, the mortalities were 78.65% after 14 days and 69.71% after 21 days. The mortalities of mix acetaniprid with imidacloprid at the ratio of 1:1 was80.55% after 14 days when it was at the concentration of 1:3000. Other mixture presented synergism effect in some degree. So, we can say, by combining some pesticide with another,not only it could effectively control H. pitysophila damage, but also it is feasible, economical efficient and easy to do, and this controlling technique could be relatively widely extended and applied. It was worth point that we should choose the optimal period before H. pitysophila occurred seriously.Pesticide residues in soils were determined by gas chromatography. By regression analysis, we found half degradation time of chlorpyrifos and methidathion was 11.48 days and 10.49 days respectively in soils. The result also told us these pesticides residues were relatively high in soils under the pine which were previously treated near the village. So, when we took this method to control H. pitysophila with these high toxicity pesticides, we must fully consider the potential damage to man, animal and ecological atmosphere in the future.

  • 【分类号】S763.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】105

