

Study on Economic Evaluation、Classification and Graduation of Forest Land Resources

【作者】 王秀云

【导师】 江希钿;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林经理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 土地是人类赖以生存的基础,人类的一切活动都与土地存在着直接或间接的联系。土地又是重要的自然资源,发展农业生产的基本资料,而且又是发展工业、交通、城建、旅游乃至整个国民经济不可缺少的物质条件。土地评价主要是根据土地的自然生产能力或其它方面利用潜力的高低对土地的质量进行评估。土地评价研究的重要任务,是深入分析各种因素对作物、牧草、林木的生长发育或其它非农业土地利用职权的影响,力求获得数量化的指标,拟订符合客观实际和切实可行的评价方案,并对土地的质量(潜力、适宜性等)进行科学评估。 本文首先从林地的定义与特点等基本知识谈起,分析了林地分等定级的概念、理论依据(土壤肥力理论、地租理论、区位理论、系统科学理论以及可持续发展理论),以及分等定级的原则(综合性原则、主导性原则、定性与定量相结合的原则以及区域差异性原则);并且论述了林地分等与定级的相互关系、林地分等与定级的步骤与林地分等定级的方法体系,包括林地分等定级单元的确定、定级指标(包括自然指标与社会经济指标)的选取、指标权重的确定与定级单元总分值的计算。 借鉴土地经济评价的概念,本文提出林地经济评价的概念与其经济特性,以及林地经济评价所依据的生产力理论、区位理论、地租理论以及市场供求理论;在此基础上归纳了林地经济评价的方法体系,即针对不同的林分特点提出不同的林地经济评价方法;并且总结了林地经济评价所要进行的一系列程序。 在分析林地分等定级与经济评价理论知识的基础之上,本文就福建省泰宁青山林场马尾松造纸原料林林地为例,进行马尾松造纸原料林林地的定级与经济评价研究。根据研究区的实际情况,以小班为定级单元,依据定级指标选取的原则,即①对林地质量有显著影响:②指标的性状比较稳定;③可以利用已有资料获得数据。如土壤普查资料、林地利用现状调查资料、地形图、水利资料等;④与经营者的经营目的、经营类型相符;⑤对不同定级单元林地质量影响明显不同,选取林地定级指标包括自然指标(立地类型、腐殖质层、土层厚度、坡度、海拔、坡位及坡向)与社会经济指标(集材距),并采用1-9标度法对各指标进行量化处理,运用层次分析法,构建指标的判断矩阵以确定各定级指标的权重,计算各定级单元的总分值,以划分林地的级别,本文中划分的马尾松造纸原料林林地为4级。 本研究中,以小班为评价单元,运用林地期望价法计算各级别林地的地价。根据各级别马尾松造纸原料林林地地价的高低,来验证林地定级指标选取的合理性与定级方法体系的可行性。对马尾松造纸原料林林地的各级别进行经济评价的研究结果表明:级别高的林地,其地价高于级别低的林地,这说明林地定级指标选取较合理,应用层次分析法确定定级指标的权重对林地进行定级是完全可行的。 本文首次把土地分等定级的方法体系应用到林地分等定级的研究中,建立了林地定级方法体系,划分林地的等级。对林地进行分等定级与经济评价的研究,不仅能够科学地确定林地的生产能力,揭示林地的质量及其分布状况,为林地利用规划和改造提供依据,而且能够合理地确定森林经营的耗费和收益的关系,为拟定林地税收标准提供依福建农林大学2004届硕士研究生论文据,通过对林地定级与经济评价的研究;找出森林经营中存在的问题,运用生态学原理,通过优化经营管理模式,可持续地经营管理森林,发挥森林的社会、经济及生态_于大效益。

【Abstract】 the land is the foundation that the mankind depends on for existence, allhuman activities have direct or indirect contacts with land. The land is not only important natural resources and basic materials of developing agricultural production, also indispensable material conditions that do good to industry, transport, urban construction, travel and economy in the whole country. Land evaluation mainly assess the land quality according to natural productivity or other respect potentiality of land. Important task of the land evaluation is deeply analyzing the effect of all kinds of factors on the growth of crop, herb, forest, or other non -agricultural utilization of land, making every effort to obtain the quantification index, drafting an objective and feasible evaluation scheme, and assess the quality (potentiality, suitable foring, etc.) of the land scientifically.The article discuss the basic knowledge such as definition, characteristic and importance of forest land ’ then analyzing basic concept and principle of forestland classification, concept and theoretical foundation (soil fertility theory, land rent theory, position theory, system scientific theory and sustainable development theory and principle(comprehensive principle, leading principle, combining between qualitative and quantitative analysis principle Regional difference principle )is put forward .Then interaction between classification and graduation in the forest land and its steps is analyzed. Method system of graduation and classification in the forestland is put forward including sureness of classification unit of forest land, select of its index (natural and social-scientific index), its weight and computing method of total points of classification unit.Drawing lessons from the concept of land economic evaluation, the concept of forest land economic evaluation and its economic characteristic and its theories such as productivity theory, regional theory, land rent theory and demand theory are put forward .On this basis, method system in the forest land economic evaluation is summed up, namely according to different characteristic of forest different methodology is put forward. A series of procedures carried on in the economic evaluation of forestland.Based on the classification and economic of forestland, the article takes forest land of mason pine for raw material papermaking in forest farm of china fir of Taining of Fujian province as example and carries on the study on classification and economic evaluation in the forest land of mason pine for raw material papermaking. The article regards subcompartment as the unit of classification, and based on the principles of selecting classification indicators such as having Remarkable effect on the quality of forest land; Its properties are more steady; ? Being able to get dates by using materials, for instance the materials of overall survey of soil, the materials of forest land survey, topographic mapand materials of water conservancy and so on. Conforming with the operator’s purpose of management ,management type and forest Dhaving different effect on different unit of classification, selects indicators of forest land classification including natural indicators (Thickness of humus layer, Thickness of soil layer, slope, slope location and elevation) and social-economic indicator(logging distance).It adopts the graduation law of 9-graduation to quantitize all indicators and uses AHP to formulate judgment matrix of indicators in order to define the indicators weight. Then calculating the total points of each unit, the classification is defined. The mason pine forestland is divided in the article as 4 grades.Regarding subcompartment as the unit of evaluation, the article uses the Expecting-price law of forestland to evaluate each graduated forest land. On the basis of its price, it proves if indicators of classification are rational and method system is feasible. Through the study on classification and economic evaluation of mason pine forest land for raw materials papermaking, it proves the pr

【关键词】 林地定级指标评价权重
【Key words】 Forest landClassificationIndicatorsEvaluationWeight
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】331

