

The Application of Network Scheduling in the Highway Engineering Production Organization System

【作者】 张传友

【导师】 杨元梁;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自60年代以来,网络计划广泛应用于我国的生产和实践中,由于道路是一种人工建筑物,是通过设计和施工,消耗大量的人工、材料和机械而完成的建筑产品,具有特有的自身技术经济特点,因此,网络计划在道路工程生产组织体系中的应用具有极其重要的意义。为了统筹考虑道路工程生产组织中的人工、材料和资金等要素及时间问题、资金问题、资源问题和工程管理问题,因此一项工程的网络计划在编制好之后,使它付诸实施之前,都要经过优化,使最终指导实践的网络计划。而评价一个网络计划的优劣,有很多标准如工期、费用、资源,效益、质量。在以往的网络计划的优化与实际应用中,往往只考虑以上准则中的一个或两个。虽然也出现了很多综合优化模型和多目标优化,但这些模型往往只考虑工期与成本、工期与资源,质量与成本的单一关系,或者只考虑工期、成本、资源的关系,往往忽略了工程质量。从目前的网络计划优化方法来看,它们都局限于单一目标优化,还没有一个全面反映这些目标的综合数学模型,因此在这方面的研究是可行的,也是非常有必要和有重大意义的。 一个好的网络计划应该综合考虑工期、成本、资源、质量等要素,因此本文首先对单一的网络图建立了多目标模型和综合评价模型。在多目标模型中具体建立了工期-成本、资源有限-工期最短、工期-质量的双目标模型。工期-成本优化常用的方法是渐近法,这种方法具有简单、直观、易懂的优点,但是,这种方法具有计算工作量大而繁冗的缺点,特别是当工程进度计划网络比较复杂,存在多条关键线路时,因为要同时压缩各条关键线路相同天数才能有效地压缩工期,就需要找出线路上赶工代价总和为最小的工作组合为压缩对象,而用直观判断法寻找这么一组工作非常困难,因此当网络图中只有一条关键线路时采用渐进法,如果关键线路为两条以上,运用运筹学中的最小截集最大流原理,建立了工期-成本优化的数学模型,通过求解最小截集问题,得出工期—费用优化模型的解法,就求出了总成本最低时的工期T1。在资源有限-工期最短的双目标模型中,利用资源有限—工期最短的资源分配的启发式算法,求出考虑资源限制时的最短工期T2,最后建立了工期-质量的双目标模型,并根据决策者的要求,给定一个相对质量数,就求出了满足决策者要求的工期T3,在综合评价模型中,把工程质量的评价准则引入网络计划中,综合考虑了成本、资源、工期、质量四要素,在前面双目标模型中求出T1,T2,T3的基础上,给T1,T2,T3赋权,就可求出T,此时的T时综合考虑了工期,成本,质量,资源等要素时得到的最佳工期。 最后对多个网络图建立了多目标模型和综合评价模型。多目标模型是从道路生产组织的角度出发建立的,而综合评价模型则是在前面双目标模型的基础上综合考虑工期、资源、成本、质量四因素对网络图进行再评价的。

【Abstract】 Since the sixties Network Scheduling has extensively applied to the production and practice in our country, because highway is a man-made building and construct production through designing, constructing, consuming many labors materials and machines, so it has peculiar one’s own technology economic characteristic, so the importance of the application of network scheduling in highway engineering production organization systems, had been recognized. The network scheduling needs optimization before making it put into effect, in order to abundantly consider the labors, materials, funds and arrange reasonably time problem, fund problem, resource problem, engineering management problem. There are many criteria, for example, time limited for a project, cost, quality, profit, resource, in evaluating the good or bad of the network scheduling. In the past the optimization of network scheduling usually considered one or two criteria in practice, although now there are many compressive optimization models and many optimization under multi-goal conditions, which only consider time limit for a project and cost, time limit for a project and resource, the single relation between quality and cost, or only consider the relation between time limit for a project, cost, resource, and omit construct quality. From the view of the optimization methods, these methods confined to the optimization under singular-goal condition, there are no models which compressively reflect mathematics model of these goals in all-round way, so the research in this respect is feasible .necessary that having great significance too.Generally speaking, a good network scheduling should extensively consider time limit for a project, cost, resource, quality and so on indexes, so this paper sets up multi-goals model and comprehensively evaluate model for single network ,of the multi-goals model this paper sets up three double-goals model, for example, time limit for a project-cost model, resource limited-shortest time limit for a project model ,time limit for a project-quality model. The common method in time limit for a project-cost model is advance gradually method ,which has many advantages, for example, simple, ocular and apt to understand, but the method has amount of calculation heavily and superfluous shortcoming, especially as the construct scheduling network is more complicated and has many critical paths .When there is one critical path ,this paper uses the advance gradually method ,when there are above two critical paths ,this paper uses the theory of max-flow and min-cut .through seeking the min-cut, meantime gains a time limit for a project, abbreviating it for T1; in addition this paper makes use of the resource allocation of the Heuristic Algorithms in the resource limited-time minimal model , gains a time limit for aproject, abbreviating it for T2; last this paper sets up the time-quality model, meantime gains a time limit for a project given a relative quality value, abbreviating it for T3. Based on the study of the construct network project, comprehensively evaluate model poses a new estimate criterion: construct quality and comprehensively consider time limit for a projects cost , resource , quality. Based on T1, T2, T3,, through making using of the method of system synthesis evaluation this paper gains a time limit for a project, abbreviating it for T. Furthermore this paper sets up multi-goals model and comprehensively evaluate model for multi-network. The foundation of multi-goals network model is from the point of view product organization while the foundation of comprehensively evaluate model is preceding double-goals model, comprehensively evaluate model revaluate the network through reconsider time limit for a project, cost, resource, quality.

  • 【分类号】U415
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】238

