

Study on the Population Dynamics of Hemiberlesia Pitysophila Takagi

【作者】 童应华

【导师】 陈顺立;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林保护学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 1.松突圆蚧种群密度在福清1a出现4个高峰:分别在4月下旬、6月上、10月中旬、11月下旬。种群存活率动态与种群动态相近,4月中旬和5月下旬各1个高峰,10~12月有2个小高峰,总体上上半年的虫口密度高于下半年。影响松突圆蚧种群密度和存活率的关键气象因子是月平均气温,主要通过影响低龄若虫的存活而对种群造成影响。 2.松突圆蚧种群密度在新旧梢上的特征不同,新梢松针从发现有一龄若虫开始,经约105d增殖,种群密度达到旧梢水平。旧梢上总虫口数量显著高于新梢。新、旧梢上分化前二龄若虫虫口数量均最高。一龄若虫死亡率在新梢上较其它各虫态高,而在旧梢上则相反。 3.松突圆蚧种群在年周期中均呈高度聚集状态。1a中的波动较小,仅12月份各旬的聚集程度最高。在新、旧梢上的群体也均呈聚集分布,但总体上,旧梢聚集程度稍高于新梢。 4.利用Breeyman(1968)的方法组建生命表,并采用排除作用控制指数法(Exclusion Index of Population Control,EIPC)进行关键因子分析,结果表明:自然死亡是影响松突圆蚧自然种群的关键因子,一龄若虫期为关键阶段;I=4.12,该种群呈发展趋势。 5.通过对马尾松胸围和松突圆蚧种群密度、枯梢率等的训查,结果表明:不同胸围马尾松之间的松突圆蚧种群密度不存在显著差异,不同胸围马尾松之间的受松突圆蚧为害后枯梢率存在显著差异,马尾松个体对营养和空间的竞争能力并不体现为对松突圆蚧的耐害或抵抗能力,该林分存在胸围越大的个体受松突圆蚧为害(枯梢)越重的趋势;对不同胸围马尾松之问松突圆蚧种群密度和枯梢率进行相关分析表明,马尾松胸围与松突圆蚧种群密度的相关性不显著,而与枯梢率呈极显著线性相关,其线性回归式为y=3.7821x-30.0479(y为枯梢率,x为胸围);松突圆蚧利,群在树冠上、中、下层之间的分布不存在显著差异。

【Abstract】 1.The population fluctuation of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi has four peaks. Taking placing in April , July, October and December respectively. The surivival probability dynamics displays four peaks too, occuring in middle ten days of-April, latter ten days of May, Octobcr to December. The population density of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi in the early half of the year is most than that in later half of the year. Temperature is a key factor effecting the mortality rate of the insect. It effect the population’ s survive rate by acting on 1st instar larvae.2. Distribution of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi is different between on the new tips and old ones. The population density on the new tips reached the same as on old tips in 105 days since the first instar was found on the new tips. The population density on old tips is much higher than that on new tips remarkably. The density of 2st instar larvae undifferentiated is the highest among the instars. The mortality rate of 1st instar larvae is higher than the others on new tips but contrary on old tips.3.The distribution patterns of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi belongs to high aggregation. It’ s changing is not notable. It is only the highest aggregated distribution in December. In the total, the distribution patterns of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi in new tips and olds all belongs to aggregated distribution. But it is higher in old tips than new ones.4. Establish the natural population lifetable by synthesizing A. A. Berryman methods. And analysis it’s key factors by Exclusion Indexof Population Control, EIPC, it showed that the key factor were natural mortality. And the 1st instar larvae is key stage. The index of population tendency was 4.12,it indicated population of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi is expanding.5. By means of investigation of the chest measurement of Pinus massoniana, population density of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi and the percentage of death tipS etc.in the middle-aged pine forest. The research results indicated: there are no existed significant difference of Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi population density among different chest measurement pine tree, but its percentage of death tips existed significant difference, which the percentage of death tips in chest measurement 40~50cm pine tree was higher than that others significantly, so the competition ability to nutrition and space didn’ t incarnated the resistance to the pest; there existed a trend of pine tree damaged more severely with the tree’ s chest measurement increasing in middle-aged pine forest. By analysis of correlation, there are no existed significant difference of the pest population density among different chest measurement pine tree, but its percentage of death tips existed significant difference, And it show that the formula of the relation between the percentage of death tips and percentage of death tips: y=3. 7821x-30. 0479 (y express percentage of death tip, and x express chest measurement). The difference of the pest density among different layer in pine tree were not significant.

  • 【分类号】S763.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】96

