

Study on the Reform and Development of Village in the City and the Inspiration about Promoting the Urbanization

【作者】 钱鼎炜

【导师】 郑庆昌;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “城中村”是指一些原来的农村,由于城市的扩张而被纳入城区,农地、产业结构和村民就业结构已经基本非农化,但仍然沿用传统农村的社会管理体制来管理的特殊社区。它是我国体制转轨时期农村城市化进程中出现的一个独特现象。要系统、深入研究“城中村”问题,必须把它放在整个城市化框架及其特殊的制度背景下进行。 “城中村”的生成原因极其复杂。它的直接原因是改革后城市化的加速发展。深层原因是城乡二元体制,主要包括户籍管理制度、土地管理制度、行政管理制度、社会保障制度、公共投资体制和二元教育体系。“城中村”的转型发展方向是使其完全融入城市,即完成物质形态城市化、经济形态城市化、社会形态城市化和人的城市化。“城中村”集体经济产权制度改革是整个“城中村”转型发展的关键,既是重点又是难点。“城中村”集体经济的产权具有三个特征:第一,产权关系较为复杂;第二,产权完全让渡;第三,委托—代理成本较高。这三个特征从不同侧面说明了“城中村”集体经济的产权弊端。“城中村”集体经济产权制度改革的思路是确定改革目标模式和进行产权界定。 从“城中村”转型发展研究可以得到三点有助于加快农村城市化的启示:一、增进城乡经济融合度;二、促进城乡社会管理制度的接轨;三、提高农民向市民转变的素质和能力。

【Abstract】 "Village in city" refers to the former villages which have been brought into the city proper because of the expansion of cities. They are special districts in which people still continue to use the traditional managerial system to manage though the farmland, the economic structure and the employment structure of the villagers have been almost non-agricultural. It is a special phenomenon during the process of the urbanization of the system transforming period in China. To study the "village in city" in a deep-going and systematical way, we should do the research under the whole frame of urbanization and its special background.There are many complicated reasons responsible for this phenomenon. The direct one is the quick development of the urbanization after the reform. The further one is the dual system between village and city which includes household registration system, land management system, system of administrative control, social security system, public investments system and dual education system. The transforming and developing way of "village in city" is to make the villages merge into cities entirely, that is, to finish the material urbanization, the economic urbanization, social urbanization and people’ s urbanization. The key is the reform of the collective economy property right system which is both the focus and the difficulty. It has three main characters: first, the relationship of the property right is complicated; second, capital proprietary rights is totally amortized; third, the cost of entrust-agency is higher. These three characters illustrate that the property right of the collective economy in "village in city" is not clear on various flanks. Its main content includes defining the model of reforming purpose and the property right.We can draw three inspirations to quicken the urbanization from the development of the "village in city" : first, we should promote compromising the economy between cities and villages; second, we should promote the connection of the social management system in city and countryside; third,we should enhance the ability and quality of people’ s urbanization.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】715

