

Study on the Cultivate Characteristic and Afforestation Model of Altingia Gralilipes

【作者】 胡晓静

【导师】 陈存及;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林培育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,我国重视培育杉木、杨树、桉树等速生用材树种。目前面临的严重问题是,长期经营人工纯林,导致林地地力衰退等一系列的生态问题。杉木人工林尤为突出。此外,随着社会发展和人民生活水平的提高,市场对阔叶材特别是优质阔叶材的需求量日益增加。寻求优良的乡土阔叶树种,发展阔叶树造林,改变目前人工林针叶化严重的现状成为森林培育的大事。细柄阿丁枫(Altingia gralilipes)属金缕梅科,是我国中亚热带地带性植被的建群种之一。其干形通直,生长迅速,抗病性较强,用途广,是值得推广的优良乡土阔叶树种,但人工造林始终未受重视。为了推动细柄阿丁枫的人工造林,作者开展了细柄阿丁枫天然林群落特征和混交造林应用研究,这对保护种质资源、发展阔叶树人工造林、开发乡土树种具有重要的现实意义。 研究结果表明:(1)开平寺后山寺庙林细柄阿丁枫天然林群落受人为干扰较轻。该群落植物种类繁多,物种多样性高,层次明显。乔木层中以细柄阿丁枫占绝对优势,优势树种还有木荷、丝栗栲和闽粤栲,此外还有少叶黄杞、山黄皮等10多个树种。 (2)细柄阿丁枫种群为成熟种群,处于稳定阶段,幼苗储备较为丰富,但缺少幼苗向大树过渡的立木级,故应加强幼苗保护。丝栗栲也为成熟型种群,闽粤栲和木荷种群为增长型种群。细柄阿丁枫和丝栗栲种群呈随机分布,闽粤栲和木荷种群呈均匀分布。 细柄阿丁枫幼树较耐荫,能在林冠下天然更新,长大后需光性增强,在林缘处也有分布。幼苗呈随机分布,表明细柄阿丁枫对土壤条件要求不苛,只要条件适宜,即可生长良好。 (3)应用方差比率VR、X~2检验、联结系数AC等指标对群落乔木层物种的种间联结分析表明,该群落乔木层的17个种群间存在不显著的负关联,同时也意味着这些种群在总体上无关联,各自趋于独立。表明在此群落中有互利共生作用或在小尺度上对生境条件有相同需求的种对较少。种间联结的这种“松散性”可能与该群落目前的发展阶段有关。 (4)采用Lotka-Volterra竞争方程研究细柄阿丁枫天然林共优种群细柄阿丁枫与其伴生树种的种间竞争关系,结果表明:竞争平衡时,细柄阿丁枫与其伴生树种相对优势度分别为53.28%和46.72%,说明细柄阿丁枫种群占优势。 福建省内细柄阿丁枫古树较多,目前虽生长良好,但仍应加强宣传和保护力度。 (5)利用有序样本聚类法根据苗高净生长量将细柄阿丁枫一年生苗的高生长过程划分为4个生长期。出苗期为3月3日~4月30日,幼苗期为5月1日~8月19日,苗木速生期为8月20日~9月10日,生长后期为9月11日~12月10日。但不同年度各生长期有所差异,会随气象因素的变动有所波动。曲线划分法与聚类划分法的结果基本一致,但用聚类划分法的结果更准确,更具有科学性,少了曲线划分时的主观性和盲目性。 (6)由于密度不同,华口16年生细柄阿丁枫的胸径总生长量达到了12.75cm,树高达到了12.91m。而二重山35年生细柄阿丁枫胸径总生长量仅为18.06cm,树高为25.07m。华口16年生细柄阿丁枫的高径比是101,而二重山35年生阿丁枫的高径比是139,主要是因为二重山阿丁枫混交林经营密度偏大,抑制了林木的直径生长,高径比太大,可见密度对细柄阿丁枫林分胸径的影响是最重要的。 (7)从二重山杉木与8种阔叶树混交的效果来看,杉木与细柄阿丁枫(9、17号样地)、福建农林大学20(H届硕士学位论文杉木与木荷(l3号样地)混交较成功,在相同经营条件下,杉木与细柄阿丁枫混交是这几种混交模式中最佳的。这说明细柄阿丁枫与衫木混交后,种间关系协调,并可在一定程度上促进林分的稳定生长,是杉木的理想伴生树种之一。 (8)在23年生马尾松林下套种细柄阿丁枫,8年后马尾松和细柄阿丁枫均生长良好。此时林分密度为1 350株山mZ,其中细柄阿丁祖的密度为1080株腼2,平均胸径达到53cm。林冠下细柄阿丁枫生长良好也说明了细柄阿丁枫在幼树阶段的耐荫性较强,有较强的天然更新能力。 (9)细柄阿丁枫杉木混交林形成复层林冠,比杉木纯林更有利于发挥混交林涵养水源和保水固土的功能。此外细柄阿丁枫具有良好的防火性能,与一些针叶树混交,林内相对湿度显著提高,易燃危险物数量与有效潜在能量占林分总负荷量和总潜在能量的比率大为降低,从而降低了林分燃烧性,增强林分抗火能力。 (l0)通过前人对14个菇木树种生长量分析,选出了较宜栽培食用菌的树种:恺木、杜英、拟赤杨和细柄阿丁枫,可见细柄阿丁枫是一种优良的菇木树种,再加上,细柄阿丁枫具有良好的速生性,可作为食用菌树种,营建食用菌原料林,以缓解林菌矛盾。 (11)本文研究的细柄丁枫杉木混交林(35年、16年)、细柄阿丁枫火力楠混交林(16年、8年)、马尾松林冠下套种细柄阿丁枫这三种造林模式,各树种生长良好,种间关系协调,三种模式均较成功,在生产中有推广价值。

【Abstract】 For a long time, our country pay attention to cultivate Chinese fir, Poplars, Eucalyptus,etc. The serious problem faced at present is that managing the artificial pure woods for a long time lead to the fact that the land fertility in the forest land fails and takes the place of a series of ecological problems of dropping etc. The artificial woods of Chinese fir is particularly outstanding . In addition, with the improvement of the social development and living standards of the people, the demand for the broad-leaf material especially high quality broad-leaf material of the market increases day by day. Seeking the fine native broad-leaf seeds, developing the broad- leaf tree to afforest, changing the present situation becomes the major issue of silviculture. Altingia gralilipes belong to Hamamelidaceae family, it is one of populations of area quality vegetation in the middle subtropical zone. It does shape perfectly, grow rapidly and have the strong disease resistance and wide use. So it is the broad leaf of fine native soil seeds deserving to popularize , but afforest has not been paid attention to. For driving Altingia gralilipes to afforest, author develop the study on the community ecology and afforesting, This have important realistic meanings in protecting resour,developing broad-leaf tree and the native seeds. The results of study show : (1)The natural forest of Altingia gralilipes after Kaiping temple receive relatively small artificial disturbance. The species in community are considerably rich, species variety is high. Altingia gralilipes dominant absolute predominance.in tree layer. Schitna superba, Castanopsis fargesii and Castanopsis fissa are dominant population, too. Tree layer includes 10 tree species such as Engelhardtiafenzeli and Randia cochinchinensis (2) Altingia gralilipes had a stable stage of structure and was a mature population.it was comparatively abundant for seedling. Castanopsis fargesii was also a mature population. Castanopsis flssa and Schitna superba were the increasing type populations. The spatial distribution patterns of Altingia gralilipes and Castanopsis flssa were randant. Castanopsis fissa and Schima superba populations had the even spatial patterns.Seedling of Altingia gralilipes can bear shady relatively and regenerate under the canopy. The spatial distribution patterns of seedlings was randant. Indicating Altingia gralilipes require unharshly to soil.(3)Using variance rate(VR), X2examination, association coefficient(AC),etc. the interspecific correlations of tree layer in the community were analysed,, among the 17 populations there are disremarkable inverse ralationships, This means that these populations have not relations generally, and indicates that in the community few populations have the same demands to habitat. This may relate to present developing stage of the community.(4)By using the Lokta-Volterra equation of competition.the final results of interspecies competition show that when reaching competitive balance.the relative dominant degrees of Altingia gralilipes and its associated species are 53.28% and 46.72% respectively,which shows that Altingia gralilipes population is controlling the whole community.Ancients tree of Altingia gralilipes inside the Fujian province grow well at present, but must strengthen propagating and protecting.(S)Utilizing order cluster method, the height growth process of seedling Altingia gralilipes is divided 4 stages.Emergence stage (March 3 - April 30), young growth stage (May 1 - August 19), rapid growth stage (August 20 - September 20), and later stage(September21 - December 10). But this result will fluctuate with the change of the meteorological factor to some extent. The results of growth curve and order cluster are basically unanimous. But the latter method is more accurate and scientific.(6)Because of different density, DBH and height of 16-year-old Altingia gralilipes in Huakou reached 12.75 cm and 12.91m respectively, and height/DBH was 101. But DBH and height of 35-year-old Altingia gralilipes in Erchong mo

  • 【分类号】S791.99
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】191

