

【作者】 刘芸

【导师】 尤民生; 侯有明;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在采用自行设计的“整苗大瓶罩养法”进行黄曲条跳甲室内种群饲养的基础上,研究了黄曲条跳甲对5种十字花科常见蔬菜的取食选择性和产卵选择性。并从寄主植物挥发物、植物叶表蜡质和绒毛对黄曲条跳甲取食和产卵选择的影响,以及不同寄主植物对黄曲条跳甲实验种群的影响等方面探讨分析了黄曲条跳甲寄主选择性的机理。 1.本研究以黄曲条跳甲在5种寄主植物上的落虫数和取食面积两个指标来分析跳甲对寄主的取食选择性。以落虫数为指标,其取食选择顺序为:芥菜>萝卜>大白菜=山西自>芥蓝;以取食面积为指标,其取食选择顺序为:芥菜>大白菜=萝卜=山西白>芥蓝。经相关性分析,跳甲在5种寄主植物上的落虫数与取食面积呈显著性正相关。 2.黄曲条跳甲对5种寄主植物产卵选择性的研究结果表明。黄曲条跳甲的产卵选择性与其取食选择性基本一致,其喜好在芥菜、萝卜和大白菜上产卵,而不喜好在山西白和芥蓝上产卵。 3.黄曲条跳甲对5种寄主幼苗子叶的取食选择性为:芥菜>萝卜=芥蓝>山西白>大白菜;对真叶的取食选择性为:芥菜>大白菜=山西白=萝卜>芥蓝。说明随着寄主植物的生长,跳甲的寄主选择性会发生变化。 4.虫害诱导植物挥发物实验结果表明,经黄曲条跳甲取食受害的芥菜对跳甲的引诱作用显著增强。通过固相微萃取收集植物挥发物,并用气质联用仪测定,发现完整的芥菜植株被害后,其挥发物组分及各组分的比例发生变化,但未检测出烯丙基异硫氰酸酯组分。初步推断芥菜植株挥发物的一般性气味组分及各组分的比例关系可能是影响黄曲条跳甲寄主选择性的重要因子。 5.寄主植物表面主要物理性状对黄曲条跳甲寄主选择性影响的实验结果表明,跳甲明显偏好在去除上表皮蜡质的芥蓝幼苗上取食与产卵,且其取食模式也由未去除叶面蜡质的边缘取食模式转变为去除叶面蜡质的随机取食模式。由此推断蜡质影响黄曲条跳甲的取食行为和寄主选择性。同时,黄曲条跳甲对叶表光滑和叶表具绒毛的两种大白菜表现出较一致的取食选择性,表明大白菜叶表绒毛并不影响黄曲条跳甲的寄主选择性。 6.以5种不同蔬菜对黄曲条跳甲进行长达6个月的越冬世代饲养,观察比较了不同寄主饲养的黄曲条跳甲实验种群的生物学特性。结果表明,寄主植物对黄曲条跳甲幼虫的发育历期及成虫的寿命*和繁殖力都有较大的影响。其中,以芥菜为食料的幼虫平均发育历期(9 .40天)和雌成虫平均产卵前期01.8天)最短,雌虫平均产卵量(194.2粒/雌)最多;而以芥蓝为食的幼虫平均发育历期(10.60天)和平均产卵前期(2 0.1天)最长,雌虫平均产卵量(54.5粒/雌)最少。以萝卜饲养的幼虫所得的成虫,其雌虫所占比率最高,为0.61;芥菜次之,为0.59:而以芥蓝饲养所得的成虫,其雌虫比率最低,为0.51。以萝卜饲养的雌虫在室内整个越冬期中仍陆续产卵,而以其它4种蔬菜饲养的雌虫在90日龄后几乎不产卵。上述指标说明,这5种寄主植物中,芥菜和萝卜是黄曲条跳甲成虫最嗜好的寄主,也是适合其幼虫生长发育、成虫存活和繁殖的最佳寄主,芥蓝则为跳甲最不嗜好且适合性最差的寄主植物。表明寄主植物对黄曲条跳甲的适合度与黄曲条跳甲对寄主的选择顺序基本一致。

【Abstract】 This thesis deals with a new method of rearing striped flea beetle (SFB), Phyllotreta striolata. Based on the method, the preference of P. striolata among 5 species of Cruciferous vegetables was studied, the effect of volatiles from host plant, epicuticular wax as well as pubescence on P. striolata host preference was investigated, and the influence of host plant on P. striolata population development was observed.1. Feeding preference was measured simultaneously by the feeding area and by the number of beetles on the plants. The number of on-plant P. striolata was used to indicate that P. striolata preferred B. juncea L. to Raphanus sativus L., B. pekinensis, B. chinensis L., less B. alboglabra Bailey, feeding area of P. striolata used to show that preferred B. juncea L. to B. pekinensis and R. sativus L., B. chinensis L., less B. alboglabra Bailey. Though the result of evaluation had slight difference, the mean numbers of beetles on five hosts were significantly correlated with the amount of feeding area.2. The oviposition preference of P. striolata to five host plants was also researched, which was in accordance with the feeding preference. In a decreasing order, the host plants were B. juncea L., R. sativus L. and B. pekinensis, B. chinensis L., less B. alboglabra Bailey.3. The feeding preference of P. striolata was found to vary with the host plant age. To cotyledons, the preference in decreasing order was B. juncea L., R. sativus L., B. alboglabra Bailey, B. chinensis L. B. pekinensis, but to true leaves that was B. juncea L., B. pekinensis, B. chinensis L., R. sativus L., B. alboglabra Bailey.4. Much more P. striolata attacked the pre-fed B. juncea L. indicated that the pre-fed plants became more attractive. Then the volatiles from B. juncea L. with various treatments were collected from their headspace by solid-phase micro-extraction, and identified by GC-MC. No detectable allyl isothiocyanate was found in the volatiles collected from the damaged hosts, but some unknown new components could be seen and the ratio among the formerly existing components did change, which may be the reason for increasing attractive to P. striolata.5. P. striolata preferred to feed and oviposit on the de-waxed B. alboglabra Bailey. And the feeding pattern also changed from edge-feeding to random-feeding. It suggested that wax affected the feeding behaviour and host preference of P. striolata. But the epicuticular pubescence did not affect the P. striolata feeding preference for both glossy lines and trichime-bearing line of B. pekinensis.6. Based on 6-month rearing of overwinter-generation of P. striolata, the author observed and contrasted the biological characteristics of populations reared on 5 different host plants. The results indicated that host plants had a great effect on the developmental duration of larvae as well as longevity and fecundity of adults. P. striolata reared on B. juncea L. had the shortest average duration of immature stages and average preovipostion period. Also, the female had the largest number of eggs in average. However, the P. striolata reared on B. alboglabra Bailey had the longest duration of immature stages and average preovipostion period. Also, the female had the least number of eggs in average. Moreover, P. striolata reared on R. sativus L. had the highest rate to be female, when they grew up from the larvae to the adults. Those reared on B. juncea L. took the second place. And those reared on B. alboglabra Bailey had the least rate. Furthermore, the female P. striolata reared on R. sativus L. laid eggs in succession overwinter. However, the females reared on the other 4 kinds of vegetables hardly laid eggs when they were over 90-days old. The above data indicated that B. juncea L. and R. sativus L. were the most habit host plants for P. striolata as well as for development of the larvae and fecundity of flea beetles. P. striolata reared on B. alboglabra Bailey was right on the opposition. The above results also indicated that the host plant’s adaptability to P. striolata was

  • 【分类号】S433
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】425

