

Changes of Reproduction & Procreation Hormone of Muscovy Duck and Total RNA Lsolation from Pituitary

【作者】 王宏

【导师】 王光瑛;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 就巢是影响家禽繁殖性能的主要因素之一。为提高番鸭繁殖率,本试验对番鸭的繁殖规律、生殖激素及血液生化指标的变化规律进行研究,并对番鸭就巢的内分泌机制进行分析,同时还对番鸭脑垂体总RNA的提取方法进行了研究。 采用“泄殖腔外托蛋法”对番鸭产蛋、就巢规律跟踪测试,结果表明:(1)番鸭产蛋分为第一、二产蛋期,第一产蛋期持续22~25周,换羽期10~12周;换羽后进入第二产蛋期,经20~22周产蛋后即可淘汰。第一、二产蛋期平均产蛋频率分别为0.48和0.46,两者差异不显著(P>0.05),经测定番鸭(60周)平均产蛋量为156.57枚,高产者达213枚,少者仅73枚。(2)番鸭冬季日产蛋高峰于凌晨4点,而夏季的高峰时间出现在凌晨5点,且夏季产蛋多、持续时间也较长。环境温度对番鸭产蛋性能有较大影响,冬、夏季平均产蛋率分别为27.48%和51.5%。(3)番鸭个体间就巢期的差异较大,短则30天,长者达106天。就巢2次的母鸭占13.33%,而就巢1次的比例达25.19%,未出现就巢行为的母鸭占61.48%,但间歇休产频繁出现。在第一、第二产蛋期就巢鸭分别为18.25%和17.78%,两者相差不大。(4)番鸭开产体重与开产日龄呈显著正相关,相关系数为0.198(P<0.05),但与第一产蛋期产蛋量呈弱负相关(r=-0.015)。开产体重与第一产蛋期产蛋量呈极显著负相关(r=-0.272)(P<0.01),与就巢期呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。番鸭在就巢期间的体重变化与就巢时间长短呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),r=0.973。(5)产蛋量与就巢期呈极显著的负相关(P<0.01),就巢母鸭比无就巢母鸭开产早,同时产蛋高峰也来得早,但产蛋高峰持续时间较短,产蛋率下降快;而无就巢性的母鸭产蛋率较高(36.37%),且产蛋高峰时间持续较长。 采用放射性免疫分析法对番鸭生殖激素水平测试结果研究表明:(1)抱窝期血浆催乳素的平均含量(0.68±0.11ng/ml)极显著高于醒抱期含量(0.33±0.04ng/ml)(P<0.01)。(2)醒抱前后血浆促黄体素含量差异很大,醒抱后促黄体素含量(33.17±15.49mIU/ml)极显著高于抱窝期含量(5.56±1.99 mIU/ml)(P<0.01)。(3)醒抱期内血浆中雌二醇平均含量极显著高于抱窝期(P<0.01)。(4)赖抱期和醒抱期催乳素和 福建未林大李硕士李位恰次促黄体素含量变化趋势正好相反;在就巢前后各阶段,雌二醇与促黄体素含量变化趋势基本一致。(5)催乳素(PRL)与促黄体素(LH)之间呈极显著的负相关,相关系数为一0.923;催乳素(PRL)与雌二醇(EZ)之间也呈显著的负相关,相关系数为一0.666;促黄体素(LID与雌二醇(EZ)之间呈显著的正相关,相关系数为0.641。 采用己糖激酶和磷酸氧化酶法对番鸭就巢期血浆生化指标变化规律的研究表明: (l)血浆葡萄糖浓度在第1次就巢期间均明显高于第2次就巢期,差异显著(P<0.05);血浆甘汕三醋的浓度在两次不同的就巢期间差异极显著(P<0.01)。(2)在第l次就巢期间甘油三酷与就巢时间为显著负相关(r=一0.923);醒抱后甘油三醋浓度与产蛋时间显著性正相关(r=0.955),在第2次就巢期间甘油三酷与就巢时间为极显著负相关 (r二一0 .991)。 分析测试结果,对番鸭就巢内分泌机制推断表明:(1)催乳素是番鸭产生就巢的关键激素。(2)番鸭从产蛋开始到产蛋期的延续,随着卵泡的发育导致雌激素含量的增加而不断促进催乳素的分泌,随着PRL分泌的增加,引起就巢的发生。(3)醒抱期内高浓度的雌二醇与促黄体素刺激卵泡的发育,抑制了催乳素的释放而导致番鸭抱窝的中止。(4)血浆GLU和TG是维持和延续就巢的重要因素. 以番鸭脑垂体为材料,利用Tri 201法、CTAB一DNA酶消化法和试剂盒抽提法提取总RNA的研究表明:CTAB一DNA酶消化法和试剂盒抽提法提取的RNA呈现出285、185和5S共三条清晰的RNA条带,且具有较高的纯度,并通过逆转录来检验脑垂体总RNA的活性,均能得到大小约660bp左右的特异扩增片段,利用CTAB一DNA酶消化法和试剂盒抽提法能有效的提取番鸭脑垂体总RNA。

【Abstract】 Broodincss is one of the primary factors to influence the reproduction ability of the poultry. In order to promote the reproduction of the muscovy ducks, some research was done to get the rule of the reproduction and the change rule of the procreation hormone and biochemistry index of the blood during the reproduction period, to analyse the incretion mechanism of the muscovy’ s broodiness. And study on method for total RNA isolating from pituitary of muscovy duck.The abdominal palpation method was applied to the further research of the muscovy’ s laying and brooding rule. The results showed that: (l)The laying time of the muscovy duck can be devided into the first and the second laying period. The first laying period can last about 22 to 25 weeks. Then came molting period which would last about 10 to 12 weeks. After that was the second laying period which would last about 20 to 22 weeks. Then the muscovy ducks would stop laying. The average laying frequency of the muscovy’ s first laying period was 0.48, 0.46 in the second period. But the discrepancy is not salience. One muscovy duck would lay 156. 57 eggs in total on average during the whole laying period, of which 213 was the the most, while 73 was the least. (2)The laying climax time was different between summer and winter. It was at 4 o’ clock in the winter morning, while 5 o’ clock in summer. What’ s more, the laying climax time was longer in summer. The temperature could give much influence to the laying ability. The average laying rate was 27.48% in winter, 51.50% in summer. (3)The individual difference of the brooding period was very big, the shortest of which was only 30 days, while the longest one was 106 days. In the whole reproduction period of the muscovy duck, the twice brooding rate was 13. 33%, and the once broodingrate was 25. 19%. Only 61. 48% of them had no brooding period. But their laying paused frequently. The rate of the brooding ducks between the first and the second laying period was nearly the same. They were 18.25% and 17.18% respectively. (4)The average age of the first laying time was positively correlated markedly with the weight of the duck. And the quotiety was 0. 198(P<0.05); But it was negatively correlated weakly with the production of the first laying period.And the quotiety was -0.015. The weight when the duck started to lay was negatively correlated very markedly with the production of the first laying period. The quotiety was - 0. 272(p<0. 01). And it was positively correlated very markedly with the the length of the brooding period (p<0. 01). The change of the weight during the brooding period was positively correlated very markedly with the length of the brooding period. And the quotiety was 0. 973 (p<0. 01). (5)The laying amount was negatively correlated very markedly with the length of the brooding period(p<0. 01). The laying time of the first egg of the brooding ducks came earlier than the non-brooding duck, and also the laying climax time was shorter; the laying-rate declined quickly, while the non-brooding ducks could keep a high laying-rate (36. 37%) and a longer laying-climax period. The study on the change rule of the duck’ s procreation-hormone concentration during brooding period by radioactivity immunity analysis (RIA), the results showed that:(l)The average concentration of plasm PRL during brooding period was higher than non-brooding period (p<0. 01); (2)The concentration of the plasm LH of broodniess and non-broodniess was different markedly, and the concentration of the plasm LH of non-brooding period was higher markedly than the broodniess period(p<0. 01); (3)The average concentration of the plasm in non-brooding period was higher than brooding period(p<0. 01); (4)The change trend of the plasm PRL was contrary to the LH concentration during brooding and non-brooding period, the change trend of the plasm Ez was consistent to the LH concentration in every broodniess phase. (5) The concentration of the plasm PRL was negatively correlated markedly with the plasm LH, the quotiety was-0.923; and the concentrati

【关键词】 番鸭产蛋就巢生殖激素RNA提取
【Key words】 muscovy ducklaying eggbroodinessprocreation hormoneRNA isolation
  • 【分类号】S834
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】302

