

The Research and Implementation of Network Management Mechanism Based on Web and XML

【作者】 叶锋

【导师】 陈和平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的迅速发展,网络管理的地位越来越重要。Web技术的成熟和XML的蓬勃发展,给网络管理技术和模式带来了又一次革命。因此,把XML、Web技术应用于网络管理之中,是网络管理技术的一种理想解决方案。 本文分析了网络管理的基本理论,网络管理模型和SNMP协议,在基于Web的网络管理的基础上,结合XML技术,提出了一种具体的方案——基于Web和XML的网络管理。 本文所采用的方案扩展了基于Web的网络管理的概念模型,并将概念模型中的网络管理服务器划分为前端服务器和后端服务器两个部分。其中,前端服务器实现用户界面管理、接收用户请求,并响应用户请求等:后端服务器负责与被管资源通信以获取数据信息,并在此基础上实现MIB浏览器、数据采集、网络拓扑模块、节点发现、事件处理和数据管理等功能。这种划分机制把网络管理的任务量分散到多台前端服务器和后端服务器上,对于规模较大的网络系统,可有效地提高其管理的性能。同时,前端服务器与后端服务器之间是相对独立的,当网络系统的规模增大时,网络管理系统可方便地进行扩展。 同时,本文在网络管理中引入了XML,在不同功能模块之间的数据交换采用了XML数据流的方式,使用了XML Enabled数据库和XML文档来保存网络管理数据,并且使用XML发布网管信息,以便于系统扩展和异构网络管理系统之间交互。 应用表明:在网络管理中采用XML描述、发布、交换和共享网管数据是一种行之有效的方案。 最后,笔者在网络管理系统的研究过程中,结合XML和Web等技术,实现了基于Web和XML的网络管理系统的部分主要功能模块。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the network technology, the position of network management is more and more important. The maturity of Web technology and the flourishing development of XML have brought a new revolution to network management technology and mode. It is a kind of ideal solution of applying XML and Web technology to network management.This thesis analyzes the basic theory and the model of network management, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and discusses the application of XML in the network management. On the basis of network management on Web, combining with XML, this thesis brings forward a concrete solution--the network management based on Web and XML.This solution is the extension of the network management conceptual model based on Web, which divides the network management server in the conceptual model into the fore-platform server and the back-platform server. The fore-platform server realizes the management of user interface, receive user request, respond it etc. The back-platform server is responsible for obtaining data information through communicating with resources supervised, and realizes the functions such as MIB browser, data collection network topological module, node finding, event handling and data management etc. on the basis of this. This division mechanism disperses the task quantities of network management to the fore-platform server and the back-platform server. When the scale of network system extended, this mechanism can improve the performance of management effectively. Besides, the fore-platform server and the back-platform server are independent relatively, so the management system of network can be extended conveniently when increasing the scale of the network system.In addition, the data exchange between different function module has been adopted XML in this thesis. This thesis use XML Enabled database and XML documents to store network management data and use XML to publish information. This method is convenient for system expanding and interchanging between heterogeneous network management systems.According to the practical application, adopting XML to describe, issue, exchange and share the network management data is a kind of effective method in network managementFinally, during the research of network management system, combining the XML and Web technology, the author has realized the main function modules in part of the network management system based on Web and XML.

【Key words】 Network ManagementSNMPMIBXMLWEB
  • 【分类号】TP393.07
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】201

