

The Study about the Structure of Real Estate Market of Our Country and Evaluation of Its Performance

【作者】 常磊

【导师】 顾志明;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 几年来,我国房地产业得到了迅速发展,解决了城镇大部分居民的住房问题。为国民经济的发展做出了重大贡献,已成长为国民经济的支柱产业。 我国房地产业取得的成绩是巨大的,但快速的成长暴露出了许多问题。诸如,土地开发浪费严重,企业欺诈消费者的行为时有发生,炒房之风扰乱了正常的房地产市场,造成房价高涨,政府宏观调控力度不够等。如何正确认识并最终解决这些问题,是本文的最大使命。 论文第一次把产业组织理论的研究方法系统地引入到我国房地产市场,从一个全新的角度对我国房地产市场结构、市场行为与市场绩效进行了全面考察。 本文共四章,第一章主要介绍产业组织理论的基础知识,引入“结构—行为—绩效”即SCP分析范式,并阐述了房地产、房地产业的特点及其在国民经济中的地位与作用。 第二章运用收集的数据实证分析了我国房地产市场集中度、企业生产规模效益、资源利用效率、产品差异化等,指出我国房地产开发还处于粗放式经营阶段。 第三章主要探讨了我国房地产开发企业市场行为,分为价格策略与非价格策略两方面,并以中华企业的并购案例说明了集团化、规模化经营才是房地产开发企业发展的方向。 第四章首先肯定了这些年我国房地产业所取得的巨大成绩,然后着重分析了当前房地产市场绩效存在的问题,并在前几章分析的基础上,提出了要从政府宏观调控与企业自身发展两个角度来解决我国房地产市场绩效低下的问题。

【Abstract】 In the past few years, the real estate of our country was developed rapidly, solved urban most residents’ housing problem. It makes great contribution for the development of national economy and has grown into the pillar industry of national economy.The achievement that the real estate of our country obtains is enormous, but it’s booming is exposing a lot of questions. For example, the real estate market is still unripe and imperfect, the structure of real estate market is unreasonable, enterprise behavior is unstandard etc. Real estate market performance remains to improve. This text using the research approach of "market - behavior - performance" of industrial organization theory examines the structure and performance of real estate market of our country deeply.Chapter two of this paper analyzes the concentration degree of real estate market mainly, enterprises produce scale merit, resource utilization ratio, products difference etc. The development of real estate of our country is still at extensive operation stage.Enterprise’s market behavior in chapter three has mainly discussed the price strategies of enterprises and unpriced strategies. The analysis result points out that enterprise’s grouping and scale are directions of development of real estate.In chapter four, at first, this paper confirms enormous progress has been made in our country real estate market during these years. Then, I research the current situation of performance of real estate market of our country and analyze many great problems existing in our real estate market. At last, I put forward the method of improving the market performance in terms of government and enterprise.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1185

