

Comparison of the Sustaining System about Social Service for Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises in Both Sides of the Straits Comparsion of the Sustaining System about Social Service for Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises Between Hubei and Taiwan

【作者】 董丽丽

【导师】 邓泽宏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中小企业的健康发展,关系到整个国民经济的发展,是国民经济最具活力的增长点,近年来,各地区、各部门和广大中小企业在党中央关于放开搞活中小企业的方针指导下,解放思想,大胆实践,加快了中小企业改革的步伐。支持和发展中小企业已成为我国发展经济的一项长期、稳定的基本政策。 中小企业在我国经济发展中的地位之重要,作用之巨大,是我们有目共睹的。目前在全国工商行政部门注册登记的中小企业已超过1000万家,占全国企业总数的99%;在全国工业产值、销售收入、实现利税中分别占到60%、57%、43%;流通领域中小企业占全国零售网点的90%多;中小企业提供的就业岗位占了全国城镇就业总数的75%;在全国出口额中,中小企业占60%以上。另外,中小企业的健康发展对于满足人民日益多样化的消费需求,配套大企业的产业结构调整,搞活农村经济,提升整个国家的国际竞争力都大有裨益。而建立完善的社会化服务支持体系则是发挥中小企业优势,促进其健康发展的必要条件。由此看来,建社好中小企业社会化服务支持体系意义重大。 对中小企业的发展给予支持,是各国发展中小企业的一项重要举措。世界上发达国家都有比较健全的社会化服务支持体系,专为中小企业提供各种“软件”支持,如美国把推动和扶持中小企业健康发展作为政府的一项重要工作,1953年成立了美国小企业管理局,为了加强对中小企业的扶持力度,1997年制定了“为小企业创造机会”的1998——2002年财政五年计划,并提出了帮助中小企业发展的具体计划和目标。日本加快网络建设,为中小企业提供技术、经营信息,实现信息资源共享,利用“创造性技术研究开发补足金制度”帮助中小企业提高技术开发能力,增强企业整体技术水平;根据“中小企业信用保险法”和“中小企业倒闭对策借贷制度”,由中小企业金融公库和国民金融公库,向发生资金周转困难的企业提供低息贷款。在德国,为扶持中小企业,也提供研究开发经费、环保资助、海外市场调研资助、培训资助、就业资助等。台湾号称“中小企业”王国,台湾经济发展依赖于中小企业,而中小企业的发展,又得益于台湾有一套能够提供中小企业之需的完备的社会化服务支持体系。这种服务体系不仅是财政金融上,而且包括各个方面;不仅是官方,还有民间的。正因如此,台湾的中小企业能顺利地度过一个又一个难关,获得持续发展。本文主要是分析得出美、日、德及台湾在中小企业社会化服务支持体系方面的成功之处(重点是台湾,因为“他山之石,可以攻玉”,尽管台湾与大陆相比,其政治体制和经济模式大不相同,但台湾和大陆却有着共同的历史、文化背景和外部经济环境,借鉴台湾经济发展的经验,特别是中小企业的成功经验,对促进和深化大陆以及湖北省的经济改革无疑是有益的。),为湖北省的中小企业家及政府主管部门提供一些启示,以期加快湖北省的中小企业社会化服务支持体系建设。

【Abstract】 The healthy development of the Small- and Medium- sized Enterprises(SME) is an increasing dot which has the most vitality of national economy. It relates the development of whole national economy. In recent years, with party’s guide about releasing the SME, each section expedite the SME reform’s step. Supporting and developing SME have become a long-term and stable basic policy to our development of economy.It is obvious to us about the SME’s position and function in our economy development. There are more 10,000,000 which have registered in national industry and business administrative department, accounting for 99% of national total enterprise. The SME occupy 60%,57%,43%, respectively in national industry value, proceeds and profit. SME accounts 90% of whole retail net order in circulating realm. SME provide post in national total town employment position, accounting for 75%. SME occupies above 60% in whole national export sum. Moreover, the healthy development of SME has great benefit to satisfy people’s consumptive need of increasingly diverse and adapt the big enterprise’s adjustment of industrial structure. Besides, the healthy development of SME can live village economy and promote a national international competition. But, it is necessary to establish the perfect social service system for develop the SME’s advantage and promote SME’s healthy development. For this, it is significant to set up social service system of SEM.Giving support to the SME’s development is a important step in many countries. Developed countries have all sound social service system in world. They provide every kind of software supports just for SME. For example, the United states considers to push and support the SME’s healthy development as an important task of government. The United States established the management bureau of SME in 1953. For enhancing the supporting degree to SME, it established creates opportunity for SME of 1998-2002 five years financial plan in 1997. And it propose concrete plan with target to help SME’s development. Japan quicken network developments. It make use of "creative technique research development make up deficiency system" to help SME to increase technique development ability, strengthen the whole technical level of enterprise. And the government financial treasury of SME and financial treasury of citizen praide love profit loan to enterprises which occur financial difficulty. Germany also provide the budget of research development, the subsidize of environmental protection and oversea market investigation, train aid and the subsidize of employment, etc. Taiwan is known for kingdom of SME. One hand, Taiwan economical development is depend on SME, on the other hand, the SME’s development benefit from Taiwan’s the complete service system which can meet need of SME. This kind of service system is not only financial ways but also includes every ways. It is not only authorities but also folks. So, Taiwan’s SME can successfully passmany difficulty and attain increasing development.The text is primarily analysis that successful experience in SME social service system of USA, Japan, Germany and Taiwan, (center is Taiwan, because Taiwan have common history culture background and economy environment in exterior with mainland). The text’s ami at providing some enlighten for SME and government supervisor sections of the province of Hubei. We look forward to quickening the SME social service system developments of the province of Hubei.

  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】291

