

【作者】 江爱兵

【导师】 杨倚奇;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文综合运用激励理论,找出合肥卷烟厂制造中心现有激励机制中存在的一些主要问题:工资结构不合理,奖金分配存在不公平的现象,绩效考核与奖酬分配结合不紧密,工作单调、吸引力不强,培训没有针对性,企业文化中缺少以人为本的价值观等,并对这些问题进行了分析。然后从调查制造中心员工的需要入手,进行激励机制的重新设计:完善岗位工资制度,增加职称与职级两项内容;改进绩效考核办法,加强平时的绩效考核,使考核结果与奖酬紧密结合;补充奖酬中长期激励方法;采用有激励性的工作设计;使培训制度化、系统化;培育企业文化,使之成为一种有效的激励手段等。本文最后还分析了新激励机制的优越性和可行性,希望能运用新的激励机制,以激发员工的工作积极性,提高组织的绩效。

【Abstract】 This paper applies inspiration theories comprehensively to look into the main problems of the present inspiration mechanism in the manufacturing center of Hefei Cigarette Factory: Inconsequence of payment structure; unfairness of bonus distribution; failure in corresponding merit assessing and reward distribution; dull work with poor attraction; aimlessness in training; lack of people-oriented value in enterprise culture. Analyses on these problems are processed. After investigating the demand of employees in the manufacturing center, a redesign of inspiration mechanism was made: perfect the wage system adding title and rank assessing; improve the way of merit assessing and correspond the result with reward; make a supplement of long-term inspiration methods in rewarding; apply inspirational work design; systemize the training system; foster new enterprise culture and make it an efficient method of inspiriting and so on. At the end of this paper, feasibility and superiorities of the new inspiration mechanism are concerned.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】206

