

【作者】 杜春华

【导师】 朱近;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机应用, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 图像变形(image warping)技术是在计算机图形学和数字图像处理的基础上发展而来,它通常是通过几何形状的扭曲和颜色的插值来实现,也就是将二维几何变换应用到图像上以保留其特征之间的几何队列,同时混合它们的颜色,其主要包括交叉分解方法和基于特征的方法。我们经常在科幻电影中看到一副图像流畅地变为另一副图像,这就是交叉分解,也是图像变形技术中最简单的一种。而基于特征的方法会产生更加有趣的视觉效果,它先在两个不同的图像上选择对应的特征,建立它们之间的对应映射函数,通过变形可以让一副图像具有另一副图像的特征。例如,让一副人脸图像中眼睛具有第二副人脸图像中眼睛的特征。 图像变形技术可以被广泛地应用于:科幻电影制作,三维重建,刑事侦破,外科人脸整形手术效果预见,人脸检测以及人脸图像合成等方面。 本文首先介绍了图像变形技术的基本原理,然后详细叙述了几种比较典型的变形方法,并提出一种新的基于snake模型的图像变形技术,最后用图像参数对这几种方法进行了比较,并给出了相应的结论。

【Abstract】 Image warping technology developed based on the computer graphics and digital image processing,it finished the work through the distortion of geometry figure and the color interpolation,i.e.,image warping applies two-dimension geometry transformation on images to retain the alignment between their features,at the same time blends their colors. It mostly includes cross-dissolve method and feature-based methods, we often see a image transform into another fluently in science films.it is the simplest warping method,however,the feature-based method will bring more interesting visual effect,firstly select the corresponding features on the different images,then establish the mapping function based on these corresponding relative, at last though warping we can make one image take on another image’s feature, e.g. we can make the eye on one face image look like that of the other face image.Image warping technology can be widely applied in: making of science film, three dimension reconstruction, criminal detection, effect forecast of surgery face plastic surgery,face detection and face image amalgamation,etc.The dissertation described the fundamental of image warping technology firstly, then recount the several typical methods of image warping ,and bring forward a new snake-based model image warping method,at last compare these methods through making use of image parameters and present the corresponding conclusion.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】475

