

【作者】 周立康

【导师】 钱敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国建设银行常州分行是建总行重点经营的60个大中城市行之一,作为市分行所属十个一级支行之一的城中支行,承担着繁重的各类业务拓展任务。如何在一个银行的支行实施市场营销,是一个迫切需要得到解决的问题。本文借鉴当今流行的市场营销理论,在充分研究城中支行历史和现状的基础上,对城中支行所处的市场营销环境和自身存在的优劣势进行了详细分析;采用较为合理的细分标准,对公司客户和个人客户进行了市场细分,选择出支行的目标市场并制定了相应的营销战略和计划;针对城中支行的客户,主要是重点公司客户,设计了相应的客户服务与管理模式;最后对支行4种主要业务,给出了相应的营销战术组合方案。

【Abstract】 Changzhou Branch of China Construction Bank (CCB) is one of 60 main city branches operated by CCB head office. Chengzhong sub-branch, as one of the 10 first-class sub-branches owned by CCB Changzhou branch, undertakes various heavy expanding business. How can a sub-branch carry out marketing is a problem being solved right now. This paper, making use of the current marketing theory, analyzes carefully the sub-branch’s marketing environment and strengths and weaknesses on the basis of studying its history and present situation. Through employing reasonable criteria, the sub-branch can conduct segmenting for company customers and personal customers and select its target market and draft relative marketing strategies and plan. For the sub-branch’s customers, especially for the important company customers, this paper designs corresponding customer service and management pattern. Finally, detailed marketing mixes are designed for the sub-branch’s 4 essential businesses.

【关键词】 市场营销策略银行
【Key words】 marketingtacticsbank
  • 【分类号】F832.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】232

