

【作者】 宋素宜

【导师】 陈清华; 高毅;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 软件工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,IP技术,特别是宽带IP技术为代表的新技术、新业务的不断涌现和发展,深刻地改变着传统电信网络的概念、体系结构以及运营模式。尽管如此,语音业务仍然占有绝对的优势。因此,数据业务和语音业务的融合是必然趋势。 要实现IP网络和电路交换网的融合互通,具有信令互通功能的信令网关出现在IP网和SCN网交界处,信令网关SG通过信令传送工作组SIGTRAN传送信令。 本论文采用的是M3UA协议实现S100信令网关的信令互通功能。S100信令网关既可以工作信令代理方式,又可以工作在信令转接方式下。S100信令网关在电路交换网侧接收和发送标准的SS7信令消息,在分组网侧采用SIGTRAN标准的适配层协议(M3UA)和传输层协议(SCTP)。S100信令网关适配能力强,功能齐全。可靠性高。

【Abstract】 In recent years, many new technologies come forth continuously,and especially broadband IP technology is their representative. These emerging new technologies have deeply changed the concept ,the system structure and running mode of the traditional telecommunications network. Even so, voice business still has the absolute advantage. Therefore, the integration of the data business and voice business is inevitable.To realize interworking of IP network and switched circuit network(SCN) .signaling gateway that has interworking function appears on the interface of IP network and SCN. SG transports signaling messages by SIGTRAN.M3UA protocol is adopted to complete interworking function of S100 signaling gateway in the paper. S100 signaling gateway can be used as a signaling agency and a signaling transfer point. S100 signaling gateway receives and sends standard ss7 messages on the SCN side . Standard SIGTRAN adaptation layer protocol M3UA and transport layer protocol SCTP are used on the packet-based network side. S100 signaling gateway has strong adaptation capacity, complete function and high reliability.

【关键词】 信令网关七号信令系统IP网信令传送
【Key words】 signalinggatewayss7IP networkSIGTRAN
  • 【分类号】TN915
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】153

