

【作者】 姚娟娟

【导师】 汪敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代战争中日益复杂的战场环境对探测系统提出了越来越重要的要求,单模探测器对工作环境的依赖性使其无法适应未来战场的需要。多模复合探测成为武器系统的必然发展趋势。毫米波红外复合探测系统(由于在抗干扰,反隐身,全天候工作以及探测精度等方面的诸多的潜在优势)已成为复合探测技术的重要发展方向之一。本文的工作即使围绕毫米波红外复合探测系统的信息融合以及目标检测开展研究的。 首先,本文研究了基于N—P准则的分布式检测系统的数据融合问题。在固定融合律的多传感器分布式二元N—P判决,给出了最优分站压缩律的不动点类的必要条件和相应的离散迭代算法。 其次,研究了毫米波雷达的目标检测,提出了一种基于BP神经网络的毫米波雷达的目标检测方法。将检测问题作为一种特殊的分类问题来对待,将igner分布与主分量分析相结合,最后采用BP神经网络进行检测。 接着,研究了红外图象的预处理和门限分割技术,探讨了基于侧抑制理论的红外图象预处理方法以及基于小波变换的红外门限分割方法。 最后,在数据融合理论的基础上,探讨了似然比融合判决和D-S证据理论在毫米波红外检测系统中的应用,并采用模糊理论进行改进似然比融合判决,最后进行相关的仿真计算。

【Abstract】 Millimeter wave IR combined system can improve the performance of detector by using both MMW radiometer and radar, which is becoming another trend in MMW and IR detection technique.In this paper, a systematic research is performed about MMW radar target detection,iR signal Preprocessing and segment and multi-sensor fusion detection.The MMW radar target detection is studied on BP neural network. Signal detection is treated as one kind of especial classification here. Wigner distribution and principal component analysis are combined and the BP neural network is used to detection target at last.The techniques about IR signal Preprocessing and segment are very important in IR target detection. IR signal Preprocessing based on lateral inhibition networ theory is studied and IR signal segment based on wavelet transformation is studied here.Based on the analysis of the theory of data fusion,the application of traditional likehood ratio judgment and the D-S proof theory in the MMW IR combied system is studied in this paper.

  • 【分类号】TN215
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】445

