

【作者】 章昀

【导师】 薛恒新;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 中国保险市场1979年开始恢复国内保险业务以来,至今不过25年的发展历程,这个年轻的行业在中国经济环境的成长过程中表现出怎样的形态,行业的演变趋势如何,随着市场发展,中资保险公司如何学习国际先进管理经验,确定我们的战略目标,改善我们的经营考核体系等等是所有业内和关心这个行业发展的人士关注的问题。 本文立足于国内经济环境和中国保险市场发育状况,基于中资保险公司管理的一般架构,探讨中资保险公司绩效考核体系的建立问题,论述的范围包括中国保险市场的现状发展,基于市场的战略目标确立,以及关键经营指标考核的动态多维度实践和理论发展,通过这些分析,提出适应目前发展中的中资保险公司管理中更佳的绩效考核体系——综合关键行动计划考核体系,并在此基础上提供未来中资保险公司管理的实践性的参考和理论性的延续思考。

【Abstract】 Since Chinese insurance market recovered domestic business in 1979, in the twenty - five years evolution, this burgeoning business has grown up alone with the development of Chinese economics. How this business looks like today, how it get progress in the future, and considering the influence on the financial market after the entrance of WTO, how the domestic insurance companies learn the advanced management theory, how they establish the strategically goal and how they improve their performance evaluation system are the principal problems studying by all the people who are focusing on the development of Chinese insurance business.Based on the environment of the Chinese insurance market and the general management structure of domestic insurance companies, this paper discusses the theories and means of establishing the performance evaluation system. The extension of this discussion is involved with the development background of the Chinese insurance market, the methods of establishing the strategically goal and the evolution of the theory of multidimensional KPI (Key Performance Index) evaluation. From the above discussions, this paper advances a better management theory of performance evaluation for the domestic insurance company - Integrated Key Performance Index Evaluation System, based on which the paper will provide some continued theoretically consideration and some practical recommendations about the future management in domestic insurance companies .

  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【下载频次】140

