

【作者】 曾敏

【导师】 孟迎军;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 物理电子学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 地面多传感器探测系统是一套将诸兵种的探测、通信和武器系统融合为一体的野战数字化信息系统。基于系统对红外传感器的小型化、低功耗设计要求,本文从调制技术的分析入手,比较了几种调制方式的优缺点。在详细研究了热释电传感器的原理和性能参数的基础上,提出了红外探测器自调制设计思想,以实现将恒定入射的红外辐射信号转变为交变电信号输出,而没有通常红外探测系统的调制盘等机械装置,从而简化了探测系统的结构,提高了系统可靠性。论文着重讨论和分析了热释电材料的选取、调制方式的采用以及红外传感信号的处理,并通过对热释电传感器的性能测试,展示了它在地面多传感器探测系统中良好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Ground Multi-sensor Detection System is composed of Control Center, Multi-sensor Detectors set in each given place and Handset used by single soldier. Based on the system’s demand of low cost, small size and high respondence, the article starts with the modulate chopper techniques used in pyroelectric detecting system. After comparison, it offers a newly self-modulation design which can greatly reduce volume and weight, and at the same time the cost can also be decreased. This paper reviews the principles of operations of pyroelectric detectors, presents some typical pyroelectric materials and factors influencing the choice of pyroelectric material for various applications and compares the characteristics of some integrated circuits for infrared signal process. At last, it discusses the measurement of the system, the application field and future outlook for infrared sensors.

  • 【分类号】TP212
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】524

