

【作者】 陈莉莉

【导师】 薛恒新;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 对于天马集团有限公司这样一个由老国营企业新改制而成立的股份制企业,准备实施ERP系统,企业面对的一个主要问题就是现有职能型管理模式下的业务流程与ERP的集约化管理要求存在很大的矛盾,要顺利实施ERP必须对业务流程进行重组。但另一方面,面对BPR实施的高失败率,企业不能贸然进行BPR。本文立足于天马集团有限公司业务流程与ERP实施的矛盾,分别对其主要业务流程:营销、售后服务、生产计划及库存管理、采购、成本费用核算流程进行了分析,提出BPR解决方案。 本文对BPR工具-IDEFO和ABC的应用进行了研究,它们是天马集团有限公司BPR得以开展和深入进行的有力工具。 企业实施BPR的失败率很高,很多实施BPR的企业并未取得预期的效果。本文从BPR的本质是提升企业能力的角度,对企业能力与BPR的关系进行了探讨,认为企业实施BPR的过程必须始终以关注和提高竞争力或核心竞争力为第一出发点,这样才能提高BPR实施的有效性。同时,通过对天马集团有限公司企业能力的分析,提出了其能力要素建设的设想。 通过BPR可以解决业务流程优化的问题,但对于实施ERP项目来说,天马集团有限公司面临的难题还有人员培训、软件选型、经费投入、项目管理等等,有待借助其它方法来解决。

【Abstract】 Tianma Group Corp Ltd., a stock company reorganized recently from an old state company, prepare to actualize ERR There is much inconsistency between the business process under the existing function-type management model and the integrating management of ERR BPR is necessary to actualize ERR successfully. But on the other hand, it must face the high unsuccessful rate of BPR. This paper is established in the inconsistency between the business process of Tianma Group Corp Ltd. and ERP. Analyzing its main business processes: sales, after service, production planning & inventory, purchasing, costing & expenses, put forward the BPR schemes.This paper discusses the application of two tools of BPR, 1DEFO and ABC. For Tianma Group Corp Ltd., IDEFO and ABC would be the useful tools to carry through and develop BPR.The unsuccessful rate of actualizing BPR is very high. Many enterprises of actualizing BPR couldn’t obtain the expectant effect. Through the essence of BPR being to advance the competing power of enterprise, this paper discusses the relation of enterprise power and BPR. It thinks that, in the BPR process, enterprises must be, at first, established in putting attention to and advance the competing power or core competing power, so that make the BPR more effective. At one time, through analysis of enterprise power of Tianma Group Corp Ltd., put forward the suggestion of its power building.By BPR, enterprise could solve the problem of business process optimizing. But for ERP of Tianma Group Corp Ltd., there are many difficult problems else, training, choosing software, expense, project managing, etc., should be solved by other way.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】225

