

【作者】 刘庆

【导师】 朱岩;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 照明系统是城市建设不可缺少的公用设施。照明系统的维护管理水平是整个城市形象和经济发展水平的综合体现。设计自动化程度高、运行可靠、高效节电、使用维护方便并能美化市容的照明监控系统,是照明控制与管理现代化的必然要求。 本文研究城市照明监控系统的开发,在分析已有系统的优点与不足之处的基础上,结合相关技术的发展,提出一个包含远程故障诊断功能和照明系统信息管理功能的远程监控系统的概要设计方案。该方案采用.NET技术和XML技术,搭建一个基于Web的开放式系统。鉴于监控中心和现场之间通讯的重要性,重新制定出一套高效可靠的FSK无线通讯协议并提出几种辅助通讯方案。同时对提高监控系统的可靠性和可诊断性作出了探索。

【Abstract】 Street-lamp and brightening system is an essential part of public facility for city construction. The level of management of street-lamp and brightening system indicates economic state of the whole city. To design an automated, reliable and efficient Street-lamp and Brightening monitoring system, which is convenient for maintenance and with function of beautifying city is a certain request for modernization of controlling and management of Street-lamp and brightening system controlling.The way of how to develop a street-lamp and brightening monitoring system is discussed in this thesis. A skeleton solution for remote monitoring system that includes functions of remote fault diagnosis and information management for light system is put forward after taking developments of relative technology into account and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages for existing monitoring system. This solution is to make an open system on web that using .NET technology and XML technology. As it is of much importance in communication between monitoring center and local place, new protocol for FSK wireless communication is made. Others secondary methods are also put forward. How to improve reliability and diagnosability of monitoring system is also discussed.

【关键词】 照明系统远程监控FSK.NET故障诊断
【Key words】 Lighting SystemRemote MonitoringFSK.NETFault Diagnosis
  • 【分类号】TU113.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】297

