

【作者】 王飞

【导师】 朱岩;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 九十年代起,许多城市先后更新了城市照明系统,采用计算机远程监控路灯系统的运行。结果极大地提高了工作效率,降低了人力成本。但随着时间的推移,一些大城市又出现了许多新的需求:比如用户对更加灵活的照明控制方式,对实现整个照明系统的远程监控、故障诊断,对更加生动鲜明的用户界面(UI)的需求等。只是简单地扩展旧一代路灯监控系统的功能模块,其中的一些需求已经不能满足。 本论文在剖析旧一代远程路灯监控系统的基础上,经过用户需求分析,提出了一个基于网络环境下的远程路灯监控系统模型。并将一些在其它行业成功应用的新技术,如GPRS、VPN、GIS等引入到远程路灯监控系统中,通过这些成熟的新技术来满足旧一代路灯监控系统不易实现的功能。考虑到系统运行的稳定性、自治性,论文中还探讨了如何实现路灯监控系统的故障诊断、故障预测,以及在无人值守发生故障时自动向管理员发送短信等功能。 新路灯监控系统设计实现后,不仅可以完全满足一些大城市出现的许多新需求,而且其构件化的框架为今后增加更多的新功能奠定了良好的基础。

【Abstract】 In 1990s, many cities have upgraded their city lighting system, using computer-based remote-supervise system, with a result of deeply increased efficiency and decreased man-power cost. As time goes on, some new requirements arise in some large cities’ computer-based city lamp remote-supervise system, such as more flexible control modes, remote-supervise & fault diagnose, more colorful UI, etc. Some requirements won’t be satisfied by adding new function modules to the older generation computer-based remote-supervise system.This thesis analysed an older generation city lamp remote-supervise system. After requirement-analysis, put forward a new network-based city lamp remote-supervise system model, and introduced some new technologies, such as GPRS, VPN, G1S, etc, applied successfully in other fields, into the new model. Thinking of its stabilization and autonomy, how to achieve fault diagnose and fault prediction, how to send SMs to administrators automatically when nobody on-guard in time of fault-happening, is also discussed in this thesis.Realizing this new computer-based remote-supervise system can not only satisfy those new requirements arise in some large cities’ computer-based city lamp remote-supervise system, its component-based framework also lay a good foundation for adding new functions to the system in the future.

  • 【分类号】TU994
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】327

