

【作者】 李玮

【导师】 陈庆伟;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 无人驾驶飞机(UAV)广泛的应用价值、尤其是在军事上的重要性已经得到国内外的高度重视,而无人机飞行控制系统是无人机能够安全、有效地完成复杂战术/战略使命的基本前提,因此迫切需要加强该领域的研究工作。 本文主要利用常规PID控制和智能PID控制的理论来研究无人机飞行控制律的设计。 首先,建立无人机对象模型。在前苏联体制下,建立无人机六自由度十二阶非线性微分方程,并对模型进行线性化,得到无人机的纵向和侧向线性化方程。 接着,介绍了所采用的常规PID和智能PID控制的思路和方法,以及如何将智能PID应用于无人机飞行控制律设计。 然后,针对纵向控制系统,研究了其组成和控制方案,分别用常规PID和智能PID方法设计了纵向俯仰姿态保持、高度保持模态的控制律,并对两种控制方法的控制效果进行了对比。 最后,针对横侧向控制系统,研究了其组成和控制方案,用常规PID控制方法分别设计了倾斜姿态保持/控制模态、航向保持/控制模态及协调转弯控制模态的控制律。 大量的仿真结果表明,本文设计的无人机常规PID控制律是有效的,设计的智能PID控制律也显示出其优越性。

【Abstract】 As great benefits are got from the applications of UAV (unmanned air vehicle), especially the applications in military field, more and more attention is paid to the development of UAV in the world. To accomplish the complicated missions safely and effectively, there must be an advanced flight control system. Therefore the research work of UAV’s flight control must be enhanced .The thesis adapts traditional PID control and intelligent PID control theories to study the design of UAV’s fight control law.Firstly, the UAV’s math model is built. We get nonlinear differential equations in 12 first-order , which is six-degrees-of-freedom(6-DOF) model.Secondly, the thesis introduces theoris and means of traditional PID and intelligent PID control. And I study how to adapt intelligent PID control to UAV’s flight control.Thirdly, the constitute and control scheme of the lognitudinal control system is studied. Then, traditional PID control and intelligent PID control is respectively used to design and simulate the laws of pitching pose holding mode and high holding mode.Lastly, the constitute and control scheme of the lateral control system is studied. Traditional PID control is used to design and simulate the laws of slope pose holding mode, course pose holding mode and harmony swerve mode.The simulation results indicate that the routine PID flight control laws we design are effective,and the intelligent PID flight control laws are more effective.

  • 【分类号】V249
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】2881

