

【作者】 俸文

【导师】 孙亚民;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机应用, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对多通道人机交互技术中的几个重要问题进行了研究,其中包括多通道人机系统的模型描述、整合算法、系统构架等。同时也对系统实现中所产生的一些特定于多通道系统的问题进行了研究和解决。通过一个原型系统——多通道军事态势标绘系统的实现深入研究了这项技术及其实现方法,提出了一个面向任务的多通道界面模型描述方法,实现了一个多通道整合算法,并针对该算法的不足进行了改进;同时,本文也提出了一个可移植通用整合功能模板的思想。通过对多通道系统语义的通用描述模型的研究,面向开发人员提供可重用多通道整合模板的支持,这本身就是应用软件系统所追求的目标之一,在多通道技术中实现这个思想有着更大的意义,本文给出了一个具体的实现方法。最后,本文对多通道人机技术的研究方向和前景进行了展望。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on the Multi-Modal Human-Computer Interaction technique, discusses some main topics in this field, including the modal description, system framework, integrate algorithm and so on; also, we have developed a practical MM-HCI system MM-TSBH(Multi-Modal TSBH), which will be introduced later, and, this paper also refers to some problems may be encounterd during developing and the resolvents of these problems. Through the MM-TSBH system, we have made a lot of researchs about the key problems in Multi-Modal HCI, a multi-modal integrate algorithm and its improvement are gave out. Further more, we put forward a thought of Common Integration Template (CIT). By the research of the representation method in MM-HCI, we developed a kind of model of CIT, it is provided to the MM-HCI system developers for reusing, help them to make focus mainly on the application itself, not the multi-modal support. At last, we give a prospect of the MM-HCI technique.

  • 【分类号】TP302
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】759

