

【作者】 唐春霞

【导师】 吴晓蓓;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 网络教育作为现代教育技术的形式,给教育思想与技术带来了深刻的变革,已成为现代教育的必然趋势。它有效解决了高校扩招带来的师资紧缺的难题,为实现真正意义上的继续教育、全民教育提供了一个可寻的途径。 基于Internet/Intranet的计算机网上教育打破了传统教学的时空界限,让人们认识到自由获取知识的乐趣,它一方面可以利用网络技术实现教育资源共享,改善学习模式,实现学生之间、学生与老师之间的通讯,实现开放的、远距离的、大面积的交互教学系统,并通过交互教学,使学生深入了解课程中的难点,提高其形象思维能力与创造性。另一方面利用多媒体全面、多角度地描述主体对象,变抽象的知识为生动、形象、具体、直观的内容,被使用者容易掌握所学内容。 本文探讨了基于Internet的网络教学的模式,研究了网络环境下开发网络教学课件的相关技术,并以Internet/Intranet和校园网为依托,运用计算机技术、通讯技术和多媒体技术设计开发了“控制工程基础”网上教学系统,实现了控制工程基础的网上教学。系统采用三层B/S模式,信息以WEB服务器为中心,采用TCP/IP技术,以HTTP为传输协议,客户端通过浏览器访问WEB服务器以及与WEB服务器相连的后台数据库。整个系统是以Microsoft 2000 Server+IIS5.0为网络平台,以ASP为服务器端开发环境,用ADO为数据访问组件开发的一个动态、交互、高效的应用程序,后台数据库为SQL Server 2000。 论文从网络多媒体教学的基本理论、网络多媒体教学的相关技术、控制工程基础网络多媒体教学系统的设计、组成及实现等方面进行了详细的介绍和说明。

【Abstract】 Network instruction has brought about great changes for educational idea and technology and become an inevitable tendency of contemporary education. It solves the problems of a marked increase in student enrollment in high school and meets the needs of whole-life education and continued education.Internet/intranet-based instruction breaks down the spacial-temporal restriction of conventional education and makes people delighted to learn from WWW freely. On the one hand, network multimedia instruction system makes full use of the technique of network to improve the study model and to realize the interactive communication between the student and the student, the student and the instructor. Through interactive education, intricate problems can be revealed more thoroughly and so his (or her) imagination and creativity can be more improved. On the other hand, by using multimedia, an abstract conception can be made more material, more intuitionistic and more vivid, so the user can master what he (she) has learned more easily.In this paper, some models of network instruction are discussed and some relevant technique of how to develop multimedia network courseware based on web is studied. By virtue of the technique of computer, communication and multimedia, a multimedia network teaching system for Foundation of Control Engineering are designed and implemented. Working at the platform of Microsoft 2000 Server and IIS 5. 0, using ADO as data access component, ASP as a server-side scripting environment, SQL Server 2000 as background database, dynamic Web pages are created and interactive Web applications are built here.Five respects are introduced here in detail: the basic theory of network instruction, some relevant techniques of multimedia instruction based on web, the structure of the multimedia network teaching system, the function of multimedia network teaching system as well as the design and realization of the multimedia network teaching system for Foundation of Control Engineering.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】168

