

Study on the Coordination by the International Trade with the Environmental Protection

【作者】 胡佳

【导师】 王跃先;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 本文把国际贸易与环境保护置于全球化的大背景下,从环境经济学、国际贸易理论、政策与法规等方面入手,深入全面地探讨了二者之间的关系,并结合我国的实际情况,对国际贸易与环境保护问题对我国的影响及法律对策进行了思考,为我国环境法制建设提供理论基础和政策参考。 本文第1章首先初步介绍了环境、经济、贸易的一般性关系,分析了环境问题的根源是制度失灵,即市场失灵与政府失灵,具体表现为环境成本的外在化。“外部性”的存在使得国际贸易活动加速了环境的恶化,接下来研究了国际贸易对环境保护的影响以及环境保护对国际贸易的影响,从而得出结论:国际贸易与环境保护在本质上是协调的,二者都是促进人类经济发展及生活水平提高的重要手段。二者相冲突的根本原因为制度失灵,具体表现为环境成本的外在化。另外,政策的制定者仅仅从各自角度考虑问题,没有兼顾国际贸易与环境保护两个方面也是二者冲突的一个重要原因,从而有必要研究贸易法规对环境问题的关注,其为本文第2章内容,本章研究了WTO及两个重要的区域经济集团,欧盟和北美自由贸易区内的贸易与环境问题。在GATT/WTO法律体系内,研究了环境保护对WTO基本原则的冲击,分析了典型的与环境保护有关的贸易争端的实质,从中可以看出WTO的环保倾向,笔者认为WTO应当成为协调国际贸易与环境保护的重要机构。接下来分析了欧盟及北美自由贸易区对国际贸易与环境保护协调的立法与实践,认为欧盟及北美自由贸易区对二者协调发展的立法与实践为WTO提供了很好的样本。第3章探讨了协调国际贸易与环境保护的途径,认为环境成本内在化是协调二者关系的根本途径。同时分析了环境成本内在化在实际操作中存在的问题,因而其不是一朝一夕可以完成的。在这种情况下,WTO是协调二者冲突的有效途径。第4章结合我国实际,分析了我国环境保护面临的机遇与挑战,提出了完善我国环境法制建设的法律建议。 本文的核心观点是: 国际贸易与环境保护都是人类促进生产、改善生活的重要手段,二者并不存在根本性的冲突,人类没有必要在国际贸易与环境保护之间做出非此即彼的选择,二者之间冲突的根本原因是制度失灵,具体表现为环境成本的外在化,另外,政策制定者仅仅从各自角度考虑问题,没有兼顾二者关系也是国际贸易与环境保护相冲突的一个重要原因。因而协调二者冲突的根本是环境成本的内在化,WTO也是协调二者关系的一个有效途径。对于我国而言,一方面应完善环境法律、法规以适应入世需要,另一方面应积极参与国际合作以表明我国的立场,避免二者冲突对我国造成不利影响,为包括我国在内的广大发展中国家争取公正、合理的地位。

【Abstract】 This dissertation offers an in-depth and full analysis of the relationship between international trade and the environmental protection from the perspective of environment economics , international trade theory , policy and the regulations under the setting of globalization, and provides a theoretical base and policy consults for our country the environment legal system construction.The dissertation consists of four chapters As an introduction of the thesis,Chapter One first introduced initially trade the economy and general relation of the environment, and analyzed the origin of environment problem to be that the government and the market not work , and the manifestation is for externalities of environmental cost . Worsening of environment has been quickened because of " externalities " making international trade activity , the influence to the international trade of influence as well as the environmental protection to the environmental protection of international trade having met research , thus the conclusion is reached : The international trade coordinates with the environmental protection in essence , and two all are the important means to develop mankind’s economy and to raise the living standard . Two basic causes each other conflicting not work for the system . and the manifestation is for externalities of environment cost . Moreover the legislator does not consider many things international trade and two aspects environmental protections also to be another important causes of conflict, thus there is necessity concern to the environment problem of research trade regulations , it is the 2nd chapter content , and WTO and two important region economy groups have been studied to this chapter , trade and environment problem inside EU and NAFTA . Having studied the shock to the basic principle of WTO of environmental protection , and having analyzed the substance with the trade controversial issue that the environmental protection is related of model in GATTYWTO’s law system , and therefrom can make out the environmental protection tendency of WTO , the author thinks that WTO should become the important organization with the environmental protection of coordination international trade . EU having met the analysis reaches NAFTA to the international trade with environmental protection coordination legislation and practice , they are the very good sample to WTO.The 3rd chapter inquired into the way that coordinates international trade and environmental protection , and think that the intemalization of environmental cost is the basic way of harmonious two relations . Analyze at the same time the problem that the internalization of environmental cost exists in reality , arguing that WTO should and can undertake the duty to resolve the conflict between the international trade and the environmental protection In chapter four, analyze the opportunity that our country environmental protection is faced with and challenges , and has put forward the law suggestion of perfect our country environment legal system construction .The main viewpoint of this dissertation is : International trade and environmental protection are the important means that the mankind promote production and the improvement life.No inherent conflicts exist between the two , and it is not necessary to choose one of them and sacrifice the other , and the basic cause of conflict between two is the government and the market not work , and the manifestation is for externalities of environmental cost , moreover legislator only follow respectively that the angle thinks over the problem , and not considering many things two relations also is an important cause that international trade and environmental protection oneanother conflict . Thus harmonious two what conflicts is the internal ization of environmental costs at all , WTO also is an effective way of harmonious two relations . concerning our country, on the one hand our country should make perfect the environment law and the regulations in order to suit needs entered WTO , on the other hand our cou

  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】1
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