

The Application of GIS in the Evaluation and Layout of Forest Garden

【作者】 吴妍

【导师】 卓丽环; 许大为;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 森林公园以其独具魅力的自然风景和历史悠久的文化积淀,广受现代人的欢迎。森林公园建立之前的首要任务是要搞好总体规划,而与总规密切相关的景观资源的评价关系到森林公园性质的确定、旅游工程项目的布局、开发顺序、景点保护等问题。在我国真正科学意义上的森林公园规划工作从80年代初才逐渐展开,其理论和方法还存在一些不足之处。因此有必要运用新兴的先进科技对森林公园的评价及规划进行技术创新,以适应时代发展的需求。 本文运用国内外先进的地理信息系统(GIS)软件,在深入研究森林公园评价规划理论及其发展趋势的前提下,遵循景观生态规划原则,借鉴GIS在其他领域的成功经验,解决森林公园规划中复杂的地理研究、区域规划与决策盲目性的问题,完善森林公园的规划技术手段。本文首先分别从研究对象和研究方法入手分忻研究了森林公园的评价与规划和地理信息系统软件,并探索了相应的理论及对策,为科学地进行森林公园的评价及规划奠定了坚实的理论基础。其次,通过对原始数据的录入、处理,建立GIS空间数据库系统。最后,以牡丹江三道关国家森林公园为实例,进行评价、规划分析,并以系列规划图、说明图表与文字、查询分析系统为规划成果,展示一套具有创新意识的规划方法。 希望籍此为今后森林公园的评价与规划提供参考,并引发更多的讨论,以及对现代科技手段在分析、规划过程中更广泛运用的关注。

【Abstract】 The National Forest Park is being favored by modern people for its natural landscape with particular charm and cultural accumulation with centuries-old history. The first and most important thing is to have a good planning before a National Forest Park is founded. The evaluation of a National Forest Park affect the park quality’s determination the layout of the tours item the order of the development the protect of scenes, and so on . It is until early 80s that the planning of National Park with true scientific meaning was began. And the theory and method of the scenic planning left much room to be developed. So in order to meet the requirement of the society development, we must use a new developed theory and method to make a better evaluation and layout.Taking the topographic element of scenic area as research object, the deep pulse of topography is touched by using the concept of environment, ecology and culture in this paper. The quantity law of topography is grasped by using modern scientific means-GIS. The analysis and utilization of topography is explored from the point of view of science and aesthetics. Firstly from the point of research object and research method, the thesis analyze and research the evaluation layout and GIS respectively. In accordance with that , the thesis put forward the theory basement. Secondly, with the produce of base data, this paper built up a data depot system .Lastly, the paper’s application in planning is studied by way of a practice samples-THE EVALUATION AND LAYOUT OF SANDAOGUAN FOREST GARDEN.And with a series of layout charm words and inquire analyses system, this thesis show us a new layout method.The author hopes to arouse more discussion of environment, ecology and culture in the scenic resort planning, and to arouse more attention to the application of modem scientific ways in the process of evaluation and general layout.

  • 【分类号】S712
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】869

