

Studies on Biological and Genetic Characteristics in Eustoma Grandiflorum

【作者】 李昀辉

【导师】 李玉花;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一、本研究在探讨草原龙胆生物学特性过程中进行了如下研究:采取不同的播种时间比较植株生长的差异;利用光学显微镜观察营养器官及繁殖器官的结构;利用石蜡切片法研究了花芽分化过程以及大孢子的发生、胚和胚乳的发育过程,并且根据花蕾生长数据分析了花的生长趋势;利用荧光显微法观察了在柱头上的花粉萌发情况;采用不同的光照、水分、温度等条件观察了种子的萌发与植物的生长特性。 对生物学特性研究的主要结果如下:北方地区播种时间选择在11月到12月份比较适宜;主枝与侧枝花蕾直径的发育进程呈现出S型的变化趋势,主枝与侧枝花蕾直径与花蕾长度发育的对应关系都经过较快的前期生长及平稳的后期生长过程;单瓣花和重瓣花花芽分化过程均可分为萼片原基分化期、花瓣原基分化期、雄蕊原基分化期和雌蕊原基分化期5个时期,其重瓣类型属于花冠重复类型;雌配子体发育属于蓼型,成熟种子的胚大部分发育到心形胚时期;种子处理采用48小时的浸种,提高萌发率最高;在有光照的条件下,20~25℃是种子萌发的适宜温度,萌发率和萌发势均较高,且幼苗后期生长健壮。 二、本研究在探讨草原龙胆的花色及花型遗传特性研究结果如下: 1 根据对花瓣中所含的色素种类进行测定的吸收峰可以初步确定,紫色所含色素可能由花青素构成;白色花瓣中可能存在类黄酮;红色花有两个吸收峰,可能由类黄酮和花青素两种色素,绿色花可能含有以叶绿素为主的色素类群。 2 利用常规的染色体制片方法,选择根尖以及长度为7mm-8mm的花苞中的花药进行有丝分裂和减数分裂过程的观察,并且观察到草原龙胆的染色体为72条。 3 利用全轮配模型初步探讨了草原龙胆的花色遗传特性,从后代表现可以初步看出,同一色系不同品系间杂交,后代表现亲本的花色;紫色具有明显的显性性状;其他花色之间进行杂交,后代颜色趋于父母本的中间色偏颜色较深的亲本。 4 根据现有草原龙胆品系中花型具有明显特征的四个品系(钟状、漏斗状、杯状和平状),建立三步花型比较模型,逐步进行筛选,以确定未知种类的花型类型。 5 通过杂交的手段初步研究了四种花型之间的遗传特性,根据杂交结果可以初步看出,无论正反交,钟状与漏斗状品系的杂交后代都表现漏斗状;钟状与平状杂交后代花型表现为钟状,杯状与平状杂交后代花型表现为杯状。

【Abstract】 Firstly, studies were made on biological characteristics of Lisianthus: By using the diffrerent time of planting seeds, the growth differences were compared. Vegetative organs and reproductive organs were observed with a microscope. Floral development, the megasporogenesis, and development of embryos and endosperms were observed microscopically after making FAA-fixed paraffin sections. The growth pattern of a flower was analyzing from data of perianth growth. Pollen germination was observed with a fluorescence microscope. Germination characteristics of seeds were investigated under controlled conditions of illumination, moisture and temperature.The results that studies were made on biological characteristics are as followed. In northern regions where it is very cold in winter, the best sowing time of seeds ranged from November to December in a greenhouse. The growth in diameter of a perianth on primary and second branches showed a pattern of S shape. Growth in diameter and length of a perianth was rapid during a first half of a growth period but slower during a second half. Floral development in both types of flowers, i.e., single and double flowers, was divided into five stages in view of the beginning of following events: Appearance of (Stage 1) flower buttress and the initiation of development, (Stage 2) sepal primordia, (Stage 3) petal primordia, (Stage 4) stamen primordia, and (Stage 5) gynoecium primordia. In double flowers, their type of flower shape were corolla repeated The development of female gametophyte was of Polygonum type, and mature seeds only developed during a late period of globular embryo stage. Time of soaking seeds required for best germination was 48 hours. A high rate of seed germination was shown at 20 to 25 C in light conditions and healthy seedlings were produced.Secondly, studies were made on genetic characteristics of flower color and shape.1. Pigments in petals were examined by peak values of absorbance measured with a UV photometer. Peak absorbance of pigments from purple petals and pink petals were suggested the presence of cyanine. Peak absorbance of pigments from white petals was suggested the presence of flavonoids. Pigments from red petals showed two peaks, suggesting a mixture of flavonoids and cyanine. Pigments from green petals was caused by chlorophylls.2. The process of mitosis and meiosis in root tips and anthers in a perianth, whose length was 7 to 8mm, were observed by using a method to make slices for chromosome observation. The results showed that number of chromosome was 72.3. Inheritance characteristics of flower color was carried out using full-turns mating model. From the expression in individuals of progenies, it was suggested that crosses between differentlines with the same flower color produced progenies having the same color with that of parents. Purple color was obviously a dominant characteristic. Crosses between different lines with different flower color produced progenies having color between that of parents, but the color intensity tended to resemble that of a parent showing a darker color.4. Using flower shapes of four varieties (clock form, funnel form, cup form and flat form) that had distinct characteristic, three stepwise comparison models were proposed. These models could help to show flower shape of unknown varieties.5. The genetic characteristics of four shapes were determined tentatively through the results of hybridization. Crosses between clock form and funnel form produced progenies with funnel form, even in a reciprocal crossing. Crosses between clock form and flat form produced progenies with clock form. Crosses between cup form and flat form produced progenies with cup form.

  • 【分类号】S682
  • 【被引频次】1
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