

Study on Seed Dormancy Mechanism and Seedling Cultivation of Oplopanax Elatus

【作者】 张鹏

【导师】 张羽; 刘继生;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林培育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 以东北刺人参(Oplopanaxs elatus Nakai)为研究对象,对其种子休眠机制及播种育苗技术等方面进行研究,初步建立了东北刺人参有性繁殖技术体系,为保护和发展东北刺人参资源提供了一条可行的途径。 东北刺人参种子种皮透水性、透气性良好,对种子的休眠不起作用;种子成熟时胚尚未分化完全,处于心形胚阶段,这是种子休眠的主要原因,种子在暖温处理过程中逐渐完成种胚的分化与生长,种子胚分化和发育的速度不一致;种皮和胚乳中均存在发芽抑制物质,胚乳中发芽抑制物的抑制作用比种皮中发芽抑制物的抑制作用更强,当胚完成分化以后,由于胚乳中存在萌发抑制物质,胚仍然不能萌发。 东北刺人参种子经单纯的暖温(20℃)和低温(5℃)层积处理均不能破除种子休眠,始温为15℃的变温处理不能破除种子休眠,通过先暖温(15-20℃)后低温(5℃)的变温处理具有破除种子休眠作用,变温处理7个月有少部分种子可以萌发,而大部分种子需要再经过1年的变温处理才能萌发,从种子采收当年开始变温层积处理17个月是解除种子休眠最为理想的方法。 东北刺人参播种苗在温室内培育要保持土壤湿润,并保持较高的空气湿度,应用遮阳网调节光照,遮阳网的透光度以30%为宜;当年生播种苗落叶后,可采用温室内越冬或室外雪藏越冬;播种苗当年高生长不明显,第二年有5%左右的植株茎干生长较早,生长量较大,95%左右的植株茎干生长晚,生长量较小。 东北刺人参当年生播种苗移栽到其自然分布区生境条件下能够完全成活和正常生长;2-3年生播种苗移栽到分布区外与自然分布区相似的生境条件下能够完全成活,3年生播种苗能够正常生长,因此,可以通过有性繁殖途径扩大东北刺人参的自然种群数量和树种分布区域。

【Abstract】 Oplopanaxs elatus was selected as the research material, and seed dormancy mechanism and seedling cultivation of it were researched in this paper. The sexual propagation system was preliminary established, and it provided a feasible approach for protecting and developing the resources of Oplopanaxs elatus.The permeability of water and air of Oplopanax elatus seed coat is better, and it has no effect on seed dormancy. The embryos were under differentiating and deep dormancy when the seeds matured, and it was at the cardioid stage. This was the main reason for seed dormancy. The seeds must be stratified at warm temperature to finish differentiation and development of the embryos, and the developments of embryos in different seeds were not synchronous. The seed coat and endosperm have some growth inhibitors, and the inhibitory effect of water extracts from endosperm was higher than that from seed coat When the embryos finished differentiation, they could not germinate because of the growth inhibitors in endosperm.Single stratification in warm temperature (20C) or in low temperature (5C) had no effect on Oplopanaxs elatus seed to break dormancy, and stratification in changing temperature with the beginning temperature for 15C could not break seed dormancy. Stratification in warm temperature (15-20C) and then in low temperature (5C) could break dormancy. After stratification in changing temperature for seven months only a few seeds germinated, and mostly germinated after stratification in changing temperature for another one year. Stratification in changing temperature for seventeen months is the best approach for releasing from seed dormancy.Cultivation in greenhouse, the seedlings of Oplopanaxs elatus should be given humid soil, high humidity air and fitting light Shading net was used to regulate light, and the fitting transparency of it was 30 percent. After defoliation, one-year seedlings could live through the winter in greenhouse or burring outdoor with snow. One-year seedlings had no obvious stem growth. In the second year, the stem growth of some seedlings (about 5%) was earlier, and the production of it was higher. The stem growth of other seedlings (about 95%) was later, and the production of it was lower.Current-year seedlings of Oplopanax elatus could survive completely and grow normally on site in their natural distributing area. Two arid three years old seedlings could survive completely on site with environment conditions similar to their natural distributing area, and three years old seedlings could growth normally on this site. So we can magnify the natural populations and extend the distribution area of Oplopanaxs elatus through sexual propagation approach.

  • 【分类号】S567.51
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】429

