

The Physiological and Biochemical Response of Seedlings of Four Northern Deciduous Trees to Automobile Exhaust and Tolerance Evaluating

【作者】 马树华

【导师】 王庆成; 张彦东;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林培育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车保有量急剧上升,汽车尾气已经成为我国城市大气污染的第一污染源。汽车尾气直接和间接产生的污染物质对城市绿化植物的生长、发育和繁殖产生了深刻的影响。研究汽车尾气对绿化植物的影响及植物的抗性对城市环境的美化有着重要意义。本研究采用开顶式熏气室,设置相同浓度(25μg·m-3)不同处理时间(1、3、5、7d)和相同处理时间(2h)不同浓度(40、60、80、100μg·m-3)两种方式对一年生盆栽苗进行熏气处理,研究了汽车尾气对五角槭(Acer mono Maxim)、山荆子(Malus bacata Borkh)、山梨(Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim)和茶条槭(Acer ginnala Maxim)四种极具绿化价值北方阔叶树种的伤害症状和叶液pH值、膜脂过氧化、自由基清除系统及光合系统的影响。研究结果表明: 1 汽车尾气胁迫下,树种不同,其受害症状及症状出现的早晚不同。高浓度处理下,四树种症状出现的先后为:山荆子、五角槭、山梨、茶条槭。叶片完全枯干的顺序为:山荆子、山梨、五角槭、茶条槭。 2 汽车尾气胁迫下,四树种的叶液pH值均出现下降,但下降幅度明显小于其它指标。茶条槭下降幅度最小,处理7d后比对照下降了1.52%,100μg·m-3浓度下比对照下降了2.72%,山梨的下降幅度最大,处理7d后比对照下降了9.42%,100μg·m-3浓度下比对照下降了13.89%。五角槭和山荆子介于两者之间。 3 汽车尾气胁迫下,四树种的膜脂过氧化均受到影响,相对电导率上升,MDA含量增加。随着处理时间的延长,五角槭的相对电导率和MDA含量上升幅度最大,分别比对照升高了68.1%和52.50%,山荆子次之,茶条槭最小。随着处理浓度的增加山荆子的上升幅度最大,分别比对照升高了99.75%和52.52%,山梨次之,五角槭和茶条槭上升幅度较小。 4 汽车尾气胁迫下,四树种的自由基清除系统受到严重影响。SOD、POD活性除山荆子在最高浓度处理下出现下降外,均呈上升趋势。从SOD活性变化幅度来看,五角槭和山荆子的变化幅度明显大于山梨和茶条槭。从POD活性的变化来看,由于茶条槭、五角槭的基础POD活性值与山荆子和山梨相差较大,造成茶条槭、五角槭的相对变化幅度远远大于山荆子和山梨,但其绝对值的变化幅度则远远小于山荆子和山梨。四树种的ASA含量均呈现下降趋势。山荆子和山梨的下降幅度大于五角械和茶条械。 5汽车尾气胁迫下,四树种的光合系统也遭到严重影响。叶绿素含量、叶绿素a/b值、脚压m、脚汪刃、qP、。Psn、净光合速率均呈现下降趋势,qN则显著上升。从叶绿素含量来看,山荆子和山梨的下降幅度大于五角械和茶条械。从叶绿素确值的变化幅度来看,处理7d后四树种的变幅相差不大,100 p 9 .m-3浓度下山荆子和五角械的下降幅度大于山梨和茶条械。从Fvl下m、孙汪刃、qP、qN、。PSn、净光合速率的变化幅度总的来看,山荆子变幅最大,茶条械的变幅最小,五角械和山梨介于两者之间。 6采用急性伤害表观症状评价法、多指标综合评价法对四树种抗性进行评价。其抗性大小顺序为:茶条械>五角械>山梨>山荆子。

【Abstract】 With the rapid increase of the number of automobiles, automobile exhaust has become the first air pollution source in our country cities. The pollution matter produced by automobile exhaust has profound effect on the growth, development and propagation of greening tree species in cities. It is important to study the effect of automobile exhaust on the greening tree species and the tolerance of plants to automobile exhaust for the beautifying of the city environment. The effects of automobile exhaust on injury symptom, pH value of leaf cell juice, peroxidation of membrance lipid, free radical scavenging system and photosynthetic system of four greening tree species, Acer mono Maxim, Mains bacata Borkh, Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim, sad Acer ginnala Maxim were studied by means of fumigation in open top chamber. During the fumigation test, the four plants were exposed to exhaust gas of the same concentration (25 ug.m-3) for different time span (1, 3, 5,7d) and same time span(2h) but different concentration (40, 60. 80, 100 ug.m-3) , the results showed:1 Under the stress of automobile exhaust, apparent injury symptoms and the time series of appearance of injury symptoms were different in different tree species. Under the high concentration treatment, the order of appearance of injury symptoms in four trees was: Mains bacata Borkh, Acer mono Maxim, Pyrus usswiensis Maxim, Acer ginnala Maxim. The order of complete withering of leaves was: Malus bacata Borkh, Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim, Acer mono Maxim, Acer ginnala Maxim.2 Under the stress of automobile exhaust, pH value of leaf cell juice of four plants declined, but the variety was significantly less than other indexes. The variety range of Acer ginnala Maxim was least, the variety was decreased 15.2% than that of CK after seven days, under the stress of 100 u g .m-3, the variety range was decreased 2.72% than that of CK. The variety of Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim was highest, the variety range was decreased 9A2% than that of CK after seven days, under the stress of 100ug .m-3, the variety range was decreased 13.89% than that of CK. The variety range of four plants followed the order of Acer ginnala Maxim< Malus bacata Borkh and Acer mono Maxim< Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim.3 Under the stress of automobile exhaust, peroxidation of membrance Lipid were affected, relative conductivity and malondialdehyde(MDA) content were increased. With the increase of fumigation time, the variety range of relative conductivity andmalondialdehyde(MDA) content of Acer mono Maxim was highest, followed by that oiMalus bacata Borkh, that of Acer ginnala Maxim was least With the increase of treatment concentration, that was enhanced 99. 75% and 52. 52% than that of CK, the variety range of Malus bacata Borkh was highest, that of Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim was in second place, that of Acer mono Maxim and Acer ginnala Maxim were least4 Under the stress of automobile exhaust, the free radical scavenging system was seriously affected. Superoxide dismutase(SOD)activiry, peroxidase(POD) activity of four plants were increased except Malus bacata Borkh in the high concentrate treatment The variation of SOD activity of Acer mono Maxim and Malus bacata Borkh were higher than that of Acer ginnala Maxim and Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim. From the variation of POD activity due to the basic POD activity values of Acer mono Maxim and Acer ginnala Maxim were far discrepant from that of Malus bacata Borkh and Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim, the relative variation of POD activity of Acer mono Maxim and Acer ginnala Maxim were far higher than that oiMalus bacata Borkh and Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim, while the absolute variation of Acer mono Maxim and Acer ginnala Maxim were far lower than that of Malus bacata Borkh and Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim.The ASA contents of four plants were declined, the variation of Malus bacata Borkh and Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim were higher than that of Acer mono Maxim and Acer ginnala Maxim .5 Under the stress of automobile exhaust, photosynthetic systems were damaged. Chlorophy

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