

The Landscape Pattern Dynamics Analyst and Landscape Ecological Planning in Laoshan Scenery Spot

【作者】 刘申

【导师】 李玉文; 国庆喜;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 崂山风景区作为国家级风景名胜区,在宏观尺度上的生态学研究方面目前是空白。本文将景观生态学的理论与崂山风景区的实际相结合,应用景观格局分析方法、GIS的手段,对3个不同年代的景观格局动态变化规律及森林景观评价指标进行研究,并将景观格局动态过程分析、生态效益评价、景观类型重要性评价的景观生态分析应用于崂山风景区的规划、管理等工作实践中,对崂山建立合理的特色自然景观、人文景观以及资源的可持续利用和景区的建设具有重大的理论和实践意义。本文研究结果表明: 通过景观指数的动态分析,表明:各斑块类型的边界形状比较规则,且变化较小;1983~1991年间景观破碎化逐步减弱,而1991~2001年间,景观异质性有所增高,呈现出破碎化程度加剧的趋势;崂山风景区的景观多样性水平不高,存在着一种或几种斑块类型在景观中占有绝对优势的现象;斑块聚集程度很高,斑块连接程度不高,有林地的分布呈零散分布的趋势。 通过景观空间分布格局的动态分析,表明:崂山风景区景观斑块的分布与坡度呈正态分布,在11~40°的坡度区中多样性有明显的上升;斑块分布与坡向没有较大关系,分布较均匀,在阳坡的所占比例略大,依次为:阳坡>阴坡>半阳坡>半阴坡;斑块集中分布在201~800m的高程区,斑块数与多样性在海拔401~600m达到最高值,说明在此海拔变异程度最高。 通过景观动态模拟预测模型分析,表明:91~01年景观斑块变化程度比83~91年大很多,20年来阔叶林有向针叶林扩展的趋势,转移多发生在有林地内部,未成林地的面积逐渐减小;预测2011年总有林地面积将减少。总体说明阔叶林相对具有较大的竞争潜力,人为干扰会进一步加大,有林地面积将逐步减少。 通过景观格局动态分析、生态效益评价、景观类型重要性评价的景观生态分析,运用GIS技术手段,整理总结出具有明确规划意义的景观生态核心内容即景观生态格局与过程,能从理论上确定旅游地景观规划各步骤的一些依据。景观生态学“斑—廊—基”模式有助于生态旅游地通过规划设计满足持续发展的要求,即生态平衡与人地协调。 建议在今后的森林经营管理过程中,应多向崂山风景区的原生森林群落,即暖温带落叶阔叶树种为主的多树种的复层混交林类型方向发展;明确划分生态核心区、生态缓冲区,增大缓冲区面积;减少空地与经济林所占面积,作为相应阔叶林试验地;改良荒地为人工草地;在核心区之间建立廊道,增大其间的连接程度;对历史人文景观加强维护。

【Abstract】 Laoshan scenic spot, regarded as national-scenic spot, is still blank at present in ecology research on macro-scale. This text combines together with landscape ecological theory and Laoshan practical scenic spot and uses many kinds of means, such as the pattern analytical method of the view and mathematical statistics, etc. We study the laws of landscape pattern dynamic change and the quantitative-evaluation index of forest landscape on 3 periods of various years. We apply landscape ecological analyst including landscape dynamics process analyst, ecological benefit evaluation, and important evaluation of landscape type to planning, management, and development of Laoshan scenic spot to set up rational characteristic natural landscape and humanity landscape. That will has a great significance in theory and practice to sustainable utilizing the forest resource and constructing the scenic spot of Laoshan.In this text, results of study indicate:Through dynamic landscape indices analyzing, we found that from 1983 to 1991. every type of patch border is relatively regular, and with little change; landscape brokenness subsides progressively, but from 1991 to 2001, landscape heterogeneity increases, which demonstrate that the degree of brokenness aggravates: The landscape diversity level is not high in Laoshan scenic spot, and there is one or some patch types which are predominant in the landscape; Aggregation of patches is high, but connection is not high, and forest land distributes randomly.Though dynamic landscape distribution patterns analyzing, we found that the distribution and the slope of landscape patch show a normal distribution in statistics, variety there is obvious rising among 11-40 "slope district, and the accessional range is above 0.15. Patch distribute dose not have great relation to the slope and the distribution is relatively even. Patches occupying a large part in the exposure slope. The order by the count rate should be: sunny slope > shady slope > half sunny slope > half shady slope; The kinds of patch concentrate in high district 201-800m. patches and diversity are up to the highest point at 401-600m of elevation, which means a very high heterogeneity of elevation there.Though landscape dynamic simulating and predicting model analyzing, we found that the changes in 1983-1991 are less than that in 1991-2001. There are tends for broadleaf-tree stands to extend to the conifer stands. Most of shifting occurs at innerplace in forest lands. The area of seedling land will be further decrease. By Markov model we predict that total area of woodland will decrease in 2011. All over above suggests the relative stronger competition in broad-leaved forest stand. And there will be the stronger artificial disturbance, which will decrease the area of woodland.Through landscape ecological analyst including landscape pattern dynamic analyst, ecological benefit evaluation, and important evaluation of landscape type, applying G1S technique, we summarize kernel contents of landscape ecology which will help planning, namely, landscape pattern and process, and gain some theoretical basis to determine the steps of landscape planning. Landscape-corridor-patch mode of landscape ecology will contribute to satisfy require of sustainable development through planning, namely, ecological balance and human with land in harmony.Proposals: In the course of management and administration of forest in the future, we should develop with the characters of multi-layer, mixed-species and broad leaf-tree stands as majority of forest type, in which should be predominant by primary community of Laoshan scenic spot, namely, warm temperate zone- deciduous broadleaf-tree forest; should plan ecological core area, ecological buffer area clearly, enlarge ecological buffer area; decrease clearing land, economic forest land area, and take them as broad-leaved forest experiment land; improve wasteland as artificial grassland: set up corridor between core area, enlarge the connection; strengthen the maintenance of historical and humanities la

  • 【分类号】Q149
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】800

