

Study on Shade Tolerance of Indoor Hanging Plants

【作者】 关学瑞

【导师】 岳桦; 敖红;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 垂吊植物在室内的装饰应用及景观设计方面的应用具有更广阔的前景,植物的耐荫性是限制植物在室内应用的重要因子之一。本文选择了10种典型的室内垂吊植物对其耐荫性进行了研究,并得出如下结果: 1.在植物的光合特性(光响应曲线、CO2响应曲线)、叶片解剖构造(叶片总厚度、上表皮厚度、下表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、栅栏组织厚度/海绵组织厚度)、叶绿素含量(叶绿素a/b值、叶绿素b的相对含量)、叶绿素荧光等四个方面对10种室内垂吊植物的耐荫性进行了量化研究,并根据光补偿点对10种植物进行了耐荫性排序,同时指出了这四个部分与其耐荫性的关系。 2.过多元分析方法综合分析了影响10种垂吊植物的主导因子,指出植物的耐荫性是一个复合性状,以单一的指标来说明植物的耐荫性是不科学的。并且得出最大净光合速率,最大表观量子效率,叶绿素a/b及叶绿素b的相对含量,叶片总厚度和非光化学猝灭六个因子是影响这10种垂吊植物耐荫性的主导因子。 综合上述研究成果,作者认为,室内垂吊植物所表现的耐荫性极其复杂,所以客观、合理的评价室内垂吊植物的耐荫性并结合量化指标对其在室内的应用具有更大的指导意义。

【Abstract】 The application of hanging plant at the aspect of the indoor decoration and plant landscape design have wider prospects, and shade tolerance is one important factor that limit the application of plant in the room. In this dissertation we elect 10 typical indoor hanging plants and study their shade tolerance. The results are follows:1.Study of quantity on 10 indoor hanging plants is present in the aspect of photosynthesis (light response curve,CO2 response curve), leaf structure, pigment content and chlorophy11 fluorescence, and the order of shade tolerance of 10 indoor hanging plants has been arranged on the basis of analyzing the light point, besides their relation with the shade tolerance has been pointed out either.2.The main factors of influencing shade tolerance of 10 indoor hanging plants are analyzed by the method of multivariate regress and point out that shade tolerance of plant is a compound character and can’t estimate shade tolerance of plant only by one factor. The results indicate that there is 6 factors that influence furthest shade tolerance of 10 indoor hanging plants.Summarizing all the results above, the author proposes: Shade tolerance of indoor hanging plants express out the complicated characteristic, so objectively, reasonably estimating shade tolerance of indoor hanging plants and combining their quantity results have the larger leading meaning in applying the plant in the room.

  • 【分类号】S688.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】367

