

The Manufacture of the Biological Active Water Retention Agent and Its Application in Desertilized Soil

【作者】 丰绪霞

【导师】 赵雨森; 王振宇;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要对生物活性保水剂制作的工艺过程进行研究,并针对荒漠化土壤进行应用分析。为进一步弄清生物活性保水剂对荒漠化土壤的治理效果,本文将植物秸秆制成强吸水功能的植物纤维素,同时引用多种单一菌种、混和菌种制成生物活性保水剂,并根据其对植物纤维素降解率的测定,以及在降解过程中降解条件的分析,筛选出了最佳降解条件的生物活性保水剂,并找出了最佳降解条件为温度50℃,纤维素含水量为60%,纤维素降解工程菌的接种量为1%,同时对其降解过程的产物也进行了分析。 将筛选出的最佳生物活性保水剂进行了土壤蒸发速率及最大持水量的测定,指出通过施加保水剂降低了土壤的蒸发速率,提高了土壤的最大持水量。将生物活性保水剂分别按不同浓度配比施加到6个室内模拟沙化土壤样方中,通过测定不同配比的保水剂对植物的生物量、叶绿素含量、土壤的比重、容重、孔隙度、土壤中过氧化酶活性、土壤中微生物数量等各指标的影响来比较不同配比浓度生物活性保水剂的效果,从而得出在模拟沙化土壤中,最佳配比浓度为200g/m~3。 为了进一步检验筛选出的生物活性保水剂对荒漠化土壤的改良效果,本文将筛选出的生物活性保水剂配成四种浓度后,与不同浓度的羧甲基纤维素及营养型保水剂施加到两年生的日本落叶松苗木上,对其生物生长力进行了分析,通过对比,找出了生产中的最佳应用配方。 通过研究可以得出,降解玉米秸杆制作出的生物活性保水剂具有保水功能并可以改善荒漠化土壤的理化性质及植物的生理指标,在生产中有很好的生产前景。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly deals with the technological process of the biological active water retention agent’s production, and analyzes the arid soil. In order to make clear this kind of water retention agent’s effect on desert soil, the core of stalks will be made into cellulose, which can absorb water efficiently. At the same time a multitude of simple fungi and compounding ones will be applied here and made into this kind of agents. The fittest biological active water retention agent will come out after the close measurement of the various degradation rates and the analysis of degradation conditions required during the degradation process. Besides, the optimal degradation condition will be reached with temperature 50℃, content of water in fiber 60%, and the inoculation of fungi used for fiber degradation process 1%. In addition, the outcome of the degradation process will be analyzed, too.The optimal biological active water retention agents, which have been selected, will be put to test in evaporation rate and maximal water holding capacity. Through the application of water retention agents, the evaporation rate of soil will be reduced, at the same time the water holding capacity increased. The water retention agents with different concentration range will be applied to 6 kinds of simulated soil indoors. The agents, which differ in concentration, will be compared in terms of their effectiveness through the testing of different agents’ effect upon vegetation’s biomass, chlorophyll content, specific gravity of soil, bulk weight, void fraction, enzyme peroxides’ activeness in soil, and the amount of microorganisms in soil. The optimal concentration will prove to be 200 g/m3 in the simulated desertification soil.To examine the effectiveness of the selected agents’ performance in desert soil’s improvement, in this paper the agents will be matched with 4 kinds of concentration, then together with carboxyl cellulose and nutritive water retention agents which also differ in concentration , they will be applied to the two-year born Japanese larch seedlings to analyze their growing power. Thereby the optimal applied compounding in production will be found out .The paper will end with such a conclusion : the biological active water retention agents made of corn canes through degradation have the function of holding water, as well as bettering the desert soil’s physicochemical properties and vegetation’s physiological target. The outlook of this kind of agents in production is promising.

  • 【分类号】S482.99
  • 【被引频次】6
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