

Study on Incentive Mechanism of Modern Enterprise

【作者】 张有及

【导师】 王红姝;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着世界经济一体化的进程与知识经济时代的到来,企业面临的经营环境复杂多变,市场竞争越来越激烈,人力资源成为企业经营的首要资源,激励成为现代企业管理的核心职能。在此情况下,任何一个企业都必须通过加强自己的经营实力、创新能力、和核心竞争力去赢得生存和发展的机遇,而这些能力的提高归根到底是由企业内人的素质和能力的高低决定的。因此,实施以人为本的管理,最佳利用企业资源使人力资源的功能得到最大程度的发挥,就成为企业谋求生存与发展的必然选择。激励是调动员工积极性、协调员工个人与企业间关系、目标的基本手段,故实施以人为本的管理的关键就是要建立起一套适合企业需求的激励机制。 激励问题是现企业管理的核心问题。激励机制设计涉及企业所面临的宏观经济环境、企业微观环境(企业文化、战略选择、管理体系和人力资源状况等),是一项系统工程。激励机制设计的方向在于最大限度地激发企业员工的内在潜力并最终服从和服务于公司的整体战略发展目标。对激励机制理论与方法的研究,不仅是管理理论与管理激励实践发展的需要,也是现代企业迎接知识经济时代新的环境变化挑战的要求。 本文在概括、分析西方经典激励理论的基础上,综合运用管理学和经济学理论方法,紧密联系企业人力资源管理激励实践中的具体问题,结合当代企业新的经营管理环境的特点和要求,系统地对员工激励的基本内容、基本形式、基本因素和基本方法等进行阐述;通过对激励中人性的研究和个体行为分析、激励因素、个体需要进行归纳和总结,提出了激励机制设计的三角理论模型,并进一步建立了更具有可操作性的激励机制框架;依据所建立的激励机制框架,对企业的具体激励机制进行了构建,为企业激励实践提供了切实可行的措施与方法。本文既是针对我国企业目前激励现实情况所作的激励研究,又是一次对激励理论、机制的一次全方位的总结和创新,期望能够有效地指导管理实践,提高企业激励的有效性,从而真正的提高人力资源的使用效率,既实现企业目标又实现员工个人目标,实现真正的双赢。

【Abstract】 With the pressure from the enhanced market competition is becoming fiercer, also with the continuous upgrade and development of the enterprises management capabilities, associated with the publicly recognized importance of the human resources, human resources management has become the core component of the enterprises management. Of which all the human resources management skills, incentive scheme is the fundamental system for every manager at all levels. Using the incentive scheme to motivate staff is also one of the main objectives when establishing the enterprises management system.Incentive problem is the center of modern business management. The company’s mechanism of incentive plan is a systems engineering involving the whole economic surroundings, the company’s managerial systems, the strategy and the structure of employee.This paper has summarized and analyze the motivational theory and motivational factors all-sided, and on this basis, the theory model of incentive mechanism has been designed after the individual behavior modeling had been analyzed and the employee’s demands been summarized.Based on incentive mechanism model and The theory model of incentive mechanism, the paper further stated practical incentive mechanism model from the following three levels According to their own characteristics and Demand state: enterprise’s cultural motivation material motivation and employee development motivation. It combines the systematic methods designed specifically for the existing incentive status in the company with detailed operation model, many of them have been exercised in the company and been proved to be effective after being have been exercised in the company and been proved to be effective after being summarized according to the actual circumstance.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】3123

