

The Law Analysis of Green Barriers

【作者】 翟雪峰

【导师】 周玉华;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 所谓绿色壁垒,又称环境壁垒。它是指一种以保护生态环境、自然资源和人类健康为借口的贸易保护主义措施。它具有阻碍国际贸易自由和保护生态环境的双重效应。一方面它鼓励发展绿色产业、大力推行绿色营销,积极引导绿色消费,另一方面,由于绿色壁垒是根据各国国内的环境保护水平和标准来设置的,发展中国家的产品却因达不到发达国家的环保标准而经常被拒之国门外,使发展中国家深受其害。面对国际贸易中日益高涨的绿色浪潮,我国环境法制建设应既遵循国际惯例又要从我国现实出发,突出我国的特色。从国际惯例来看,国际上通行的做法是迎合WTO规则,建立符合WTO规则的绿色贸易规则;除遵循国际上的常规做法外,还应提出适合我国国情的法律对策,主要的做法是针对绿色壁垒的实质,突出政府的管理地位,使政府行为既适应WTO规则要求,又具有中国特色,承担中国入世所应履行的义务,政府按照市场规则管理市场主体,全面贯彻WTO协定和协议的原则和精神,实现依法行政。

【Abstract】 Green barriers, also called Environmental barriers derive from the emergency of the global environmental protection and get their further development owing to Trade Protectionism. Green barriers base on a series of international and domestic legislation. Taking measures of Green barriers must abide by the foundation principle of non-discrimination, transparency, preferential treatment of devdoping countries and so on. Facing the condition that our countrys international trade is deeply affected by the alien Green barriers, we should reject firmly Trade Protectionism according to international rules, make laws about encouring export of green products and packing, and improve the legal system of environmental administration and protection.To some extent, we should abide by the idea of sustainable development, initiate green trade and oppose unfair trade rebtions, to promote coordinated and sustainable grouth of our trade and environment. It is important to strength the administration of our government, government administer the priucipal part of market abiding by the WTO rules.

  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】257

