
青杨脊虎天牛(Xylotrechus rusticus Linnaeus)生物学特性及防治技术研究

Studies on the Biological Characteristics and Control Techniques of Xylotrechus Rusticus Linnaeus

【作者】 黄咏槐

【导师】 胡春祥; 迟德富;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林保护, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 根据2003年4~6月在黑龙江省、大庆市红旗林场调查研究结果,我们发现青杨脊虎天牛在黑龙江省大庆地区1年发生1代,以老龄幼虫在坑道越冬。4月29日~5月15日为天牛幼虫化蛹期,化蛹始盛期出现在5月3~5月4日,高峰期为5月6~5月7日,盛末期为5月9~5月10日;化蛹进度最适数学模型为y=0.0281+0.0302t+0.0097t2-0.0005t3。5月18日~6月1日为蛹的羽化期,羽化始盛期出现在5月19日,高峰期为5月22日,盛末期为5月28日;羽化进度最适数学模型为y=2.1966-37.7904t-1。羽化后成虫经历4d左右开始咬开树皮,飞离孔道,5月22日~6月4日为成虫出孔期,出孔始盛期出现在5月24日,高峰期为5月27日,盛末期为5月30日;出孔进度最适数学模型为y=-4.1224+0.2095t-(5.0752E-5)t3。 对青杨脊虎天牛的空间分布型进行了研究,概率分布型研究结果表明该天牛幼虫空间分布属负二项分布;而用6种聚集指标对天牛幼虫的聚集度测定,这些指标都判定青杨脊虎天牛在树干上的空间分布型为聚集分布。对天牛危害分布与树木高度间的关系进行分析,结果显示幼虫主要集中分布在树干高度的1~4m的区段。幼虫数量分布与树干高度之间可以拟合曲线方程为y=0.068+0.417x-0.136x2+0.011x3,相关系数和显著性检验表明该方程式是可信的。 研究了青杨脊虎天牛成虫部分行为特性。我们发现在野外,不受外界干扰的情况下,当雌雄天牛成虫每次抱合时,交尾通常发生十余次,平均间隔3.95min。一旦有更适合交尾的异性雌虫介入,就可能有交换配偶现象发生。对成虫产卵行为观察研究,我们发现青杨脊虎天牛平均每次产卵需要时间13min,每次产卵平均21粒。 对青杨脊虎天牛的抗性杨树品系进行了调查研究,我们在东三省部分杨树栽种区调查了杨树品系23个,被青杨脊虎天牛危害的杨树品系有小青杨、小叶杨、小青×黑杨、加杨、双杨快、美青杨、北京杨等7种,其中以小青杨、小叶杨、双杨快、美青杨受害最为严重,达到36%~100%。没有被害的品系有小黑杨、中东杨等9种,这些品系中只有小黑杨不但大面积种植,而且没有青杨脊虎天牛为害发生,是比较理想的抗虫树种,可以推广。 对混交林抗虫效果进行了研究,结果表明无论是在松.杨混交林还是杨-杨混交林中,青杨脊虎天牛对杨树的为害程度明显比纯林中杨树轻。落叶松-小叶杨混交林中27a杨树被害株率为16%,与之对应的同龄小叶杨纯林被害株率为42%;小青杨-樟子松混交林中20a杨树被害株率为8%,对应的27a小青杨和35a小青杨纯林被害株率分别为36%、84%;小叶杨-樟子松混交林中42a小叶杨被害株率为14%,而如a同种杨树纯林被害株率为56%。以上调查结果表明营造混交林在一定程度上可以抑制青杨脊虎天牛的危害。 对青杨脊虎天牛进行化学防治试验时分别采用了熏蒸、打孔注药和喷洒药剂三种方法。其中熏蒸法采用56%磷化铝片剂,熏蒸时间为6d。结果显示,.10岁in3以上剂量可以将天牛100%杀死。打孔注药试验所用药剂为大力士和氧化乐果,药效分别为71 .13%和70.94%,用药后存活幼虫已经无法越冬。喷洒试验所用药剂为3%的氯氰菊酷微胶囊水悬浮剂和8%绿色威雷,结果表明两种药剂防治成虫效果都在75%以上,直接喷于虫体的效果好于喷在树干上的效果。两种药剂相比较,进行喷干防治效果基本一样,而喷洒虫体试验结果则显示绿色威雷效果更好。

【Abstract】 According to investigation that made in Hongqi forest farm in Daiqing, Heilongjiang Province during the summer of 2003, we found that Xylotrechus rusticus. Linnaeus occurred one generation per year in Heilongjiang province, overwintered as last stage larve in boring tunnel. The larva began to pupate on April 29th and ended on May 15th, pupation entered ascending stage on May 3rf or May 4th and arrived at fastigium three days later, then stepped to descending stage on May 9th or 10th. Equation that can best describe pupation schedule was derived as y = 0.0281 + 0.0302t + 0.0097t2 -0.0005t3. The pupa entered their eclosion stage on May 18th and ended on June 15th, ascending stage of eclosion turned up on May 19th and fastigium emerged three days later, on May 28th eclosion arrived at its descending stage. Equation that can best describe eclosion schedule was derived as y = 2.1966 - 37.7904 t-1. Four days later, the new eclosion longicom bettles began to bite the bark that covered their channels and flew out, this stage continued for about two weeks (from May 22th to June 4th), The ascending stage of the course emerged on May 24th and fastigium arrived three days later, then after anather three days the descending stage appeared. Equation that can best describe this schedule was derived as y = - 4.1224 + 0.2095t-(5.0752E-05)t3.Study on spatial distribution of Xylotrechus rusticus Linnaeus was made, result suggested that larvae in polar plantation belong to negative binomial distribution, and six indices of aggregation revealed that it’s of aggregation pattern. Survey of vertical distribution demonstrate that larva are concentrated on polar trunk in range from 1 to 4 meters in the height. An equation describing the attack and height of polar trunk was derived as y = 0.068 + 0.417x-0.136x2 + O.Ollx3. The equation was tested (by correlation coefficient and significance) to be believable.Adult’s behavior of Xylotrechus rusticus Linnaeus were partly studied in polar forest, result suggested that the bettles usually copulate for over ten tunes and rest for about 3.95min on average at each interval after they hold together. As long as been disturbed by another more attractile female bettle, the mating male bettle would turn to the newcoming one promptly. Study on oviposition of Xylotrechus rusticus Linnaeus suggested that the female bettles prefer to laying eggs in the morning, each time they lay 21 eggs on average and this take them for about 13minnutes.Result on resistance of poplar to Xylotrechus rusticus Linnaeus suggested that among 23 strains of polar been surveyed in artificial polar woods in northeast region, seven stains were harmed by Xylotrechus rusticus Linnaeus, they are Populus pseudo-simonii Kitag, Populus simonii,populusshuangyangkuai, populus meiqing, Populus pseudo-simonii X black, Canadian polar and populus beijing. Among which, the former four strains were severly harmed(36% to 100% of the poplars been harmed.). Strains as Populus simonii XP. nigra, Populus berolinensis ect(nine in total) were not harmed, among which, only Populus simanii XP.nigra was planted in large areas, so it can be paanted as a resistant strain in other regions of northeastStudy on resistance of mixed forest(MF) to Xylotrechus rusticus Linnaeus indicated that, whether in poplar-pine MF or poplar-poplar MF, less trees were found to be harmed by longjcorn bettles comparing with pure forest(PF). In MF composed of laich-Populus simonii, we found 16% of poplar(27a) harmed, comparing with a ratio of 42% in Populus simonii(same age) PF. Only 8% of poplar(20a) harmed In MF composed of Populus pseudo-simonii Kitag and Pinus sylvestris varmongolica, but we found 36% of poplar harmed in PF of 27a Populus pseudo-simonii Kitag(84% with 35a). In MF composed of Populus simonii and Pinus sylvestris varmongolica, we found 14% of poplar(42a) harmed, comparing with a ratio of 56% in PF of 40a Populus simonii. The above result suggested that to some extend we can control Xylotrechus rusticus Linnaeus by building mixed forests.Three kinds of

  • 【分类号】S763.3
  • 【被引频次】8
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