

Total Project on Seeds of Garden of Broadleaf Forest in Forestry Bureau of Baishishan in Jilin Province

【作者】 高方莲

【导师】 刘桂丰; 梁学顺;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 吉林省是我国的重点木材产地,多年来为我国经济建设做出重大贡献。随着天然林保护工程的实施,木材产量大幅度下降,所产木材远不能适应经济发展的需要。为解决这一矛盾,应从营造人工林出发,营造生长速度快、遗传增益高、木材质量优、性能表现稳的人工林是首要任务。要实现这个目标,最便捷、可靠的途径是生产与其相适应的林木良种,营建林木种子园是生产良种的最佳途径。 吉林省林区虽然营建了部分林木种子园,由于在优树选择时只注重生长性状,忽视了结实性状,因而所建种子园的结实量低。目前吉林省大部分造林用种遗传质量低,很少具备速生、丰产、优质的性状。另外,过去吉林省种子园建设的树种选择只注重针叶树,缺少阔叶树,造成良种品种单一等问题。本设计利用现代林木遗传育种理论,对白石山林业局阔叶树种子园进行总体设计。提出了经营方案,确定了生产任务,制定了优树选择方案、优树数量和建园技术。对基地工程、机构设置、投资概算等进行了全面规划设计。 本设计是对现代林木遗传育种理论与方法的实践和应用。该项目建成后,除可获得巨大的经济效益外,还可获得无法估量的生态效益和社会效益,将有力推动林业与生态建设事业的发展。

【Abstract】 Jilin Province is the key place of origin of timber in China and has made significant dedication for economic construction in China for many years. Along with the performance of the natural forest protection project, the output of timber goes down to great extent, so the timber produced can’t meet the demand of economic development. In order to resolve the contradiction, we should start with building the artificial forest, then, our primary assignment is to build the artificial forest with rapid speed of development, high augment of heredity, perfect quality of timber and steady expression of character. The most convenient and reliable channel is produce the suitable fine breed of timber to realize that target, while the best way to produce the fine breed is to build the seed garden of timber.Though the forest areas of Jilin Province have built part seed gardens of timber, the durability is weak because of only paying attention to the character of development and omitting the character of durability when choosing excellent seeds of tree. At present, most of the seeds of forestations in Jilin Province possess low quality of heredity and less character of rapid development, abundant production and perfect quality. Moreover, we only paid attention to conifer and omitted the broadleaf forest when choosing the seeds of tree for the seed gardens in the past of Jilin Province, and caused the problem of unitary variety. This paper gives the seed orchard design for broadleaf species of Baishishan forest bureau by means of modern forestry genetics breeding theory, puts out management scheme and productive task, and makes out the scheme of plus tree selection and techniques of established seed orchard, and takes the plan and design for base engineering, office setting and investment plan etc.The project is the application and practice of the hereditary breed theory and method of modern timber. After succeeding in performing the project, we will obtain unappreciable ecological and social benefit besides great economic benefit, and strongly push forward the development of forest industry and ecological construction affairs.

【关键词】 遗传育种林木种子园营建设计
【Key words】 hereditary breedthe seed garden of timberconstructproject.
  • 【分类号】S722.83
  • 【下载频次】115

