

Study on Estimation Method of for Economic Loss for Forest Disease and Pests Disaster

【作者】 李艳杰

【导师】 迟德富; 苏宏钧;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 森林病虫害致使森林资源遭受损失和森林环境受到破坏,不仅直接造成经济损失,同时还制约着生态环境建设的进程。广义上讲,森林病虫灾害直接经济损失指病虫灾害造成的立木资源及其林产品市场交换货币的损失量;间接经济损失包括生态效益损失和社会效益损失。本文在总结现有的灾害损失评估经验的基础上,广泛收集了近年来全国森林病虫害发生情况的基本数据,以可持续发展理论、森林多功能多价值理论、环境经济学理论及林价和林地资产价位理论等为指导,本着尊重客观事实,采用定量与定性相结合的原则,设计了森林病虫灾害经济损失评估技术流程,通过科学系统分析,建立了森林病虫灾害直接经济损失计算式。依据建立的核算方法,对我国近年来森林病虫灾害直接经济损失进行了核算。其结果表明,我国1996—2001各年度森林病虫灾害平均每年直接经济损失为人民币119.8亿元。其中以1999年度损失最重,各种病虫发生面积766×104hm~2,直接经济损失144.7亿元。对森林病虫灾害间接经济损失估算,采用了生物量的积累与环境资源价值的关系建立了生态效益损失估算方法。

【Abstract】 Forest pests destroy not only forest resources, but also forest ecosystem. In a general way, the direct loss caused by pests is involved with stumpages and forest productions. The indirect loss includes several facets about ecology and society. Based on summarized existing theories of calamities evaluation and thorough investigation, the new technical flow of calamities evaluation caused by forest pests has been worked out and the calculating mode for direct loss has been founded. According to these research achievements, the direct economic losses caused by forest pests added up to 11.98 billion RMB annually from 1996 to 2000. Especially, the pests occurred area reached 766×104hm2, the direct economic losses was 14.47 billion RMB in 1999. Otherwise, using the relation of the accumulation of biomass and environment resources value, the estimate method of the losses of ecology benefit has been built.

  • 【分类号】F307.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】247

