

The Present Applied Situation and Developing Foreground Synthetic Estimate of Acer Negundo

【作者】 许易梅

【导师】 卓丽环; 陈建明;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文依据当前国内外城市生态园林建设和环境景观发展的趋势,结合国内外城市绿化发展对树种需求的认识,在对复叶槭的引种历史、应用现状全面调查的前提下,通过分析哈尔滨市的城市绿化树种复叶槭的应用现状及存在的问题,采取专家咨询评价的方法,从树木的抗寒、抗旱、抗污染、抗病虫害、观赏及美化效果、生态效益及寿命等自身生态习性和园林应用成本等方面,重新对复叶槭的应用价值进行了评估,认为复叶槭在在哈市的生长表现正常,是综合效能较高的引进种,是经过长期栽培已适应我市气候条件的引进归化种。其放叶早、耐修剪、抗逆性较强,树干通直,枝叶茂密,冠大荫浓,复叶红梗,果似飞刀,绿化与美化效果俱佳,是深受人们喜爱的观赏树种。如加强病虫害防治工作,是适宜继续发展的城市地方特色绿化树种。针对其缺点提出了营造植物多样化的立地环境条件,建立完善、科学的抚育规范和标准,建立健全植保信息网,运用先进理念,加强病虫害的防治,通过引种驯化和树种的选育、丰富城市园林植物种类,扩大苗圃面积、加强育苗计划的指导、加快苗木生产步伐,建立城市园林绿化树种资源信息系统等建议和措施。研究结论为哈尔滨建设生态园林城市的树种应用方案提供技术和理论支撑,为哈尔滨市植物材料规划的编制提供依据,并阐明了正确对待外来种和生物多样性保护等方面的新观点,对于提高哈尔滨市的绿化质量和绿化效益有着非常积极的意义;同时也为相同地区的城市环境建设提供相关的理论指导和示范,对复叶槭的生产提出指导性意见,避免生产和应用的盲目性。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is according to the current interior and abroad ecological urban garden building and tendency of environment landscape developments, combine the knowledge of the afforesting development especially the species demand in the interior and abroad town, under the general investigation about the introducing history of Acer negundo and the present application situation, by means of analysing the present application situation and the problem about it, and takes that the specialist consulting means which evaluated, assess the application value of Acer negundo once more from the trees resist of cold, drought, poilution,disease,insect pest to the effect of beauty and ecology and afforested application cost, and so on. It is think as a good introduceing species of synthetical usefulness that Acer negundo growth conduct aspects in Harbin is regular over a long period and adapt to Harbin’s climate.For example it germinate early,endure pruning,resistance is powerful,its trunk is straight,branches and leaves are thick,big crown,compound leaf and red stem,the fruit like knife,afforesting and beautifying effect are both fine,it is become a acceptting species by people who love it and enjoy it. If we strengthen the preventing and curing work against diseases and insect pests, it will be the distinguishing species that fit subsequent city development.Aim at its defects, propose the ambient condition that can build the varied species of plant,establish the all-sided and scientific bringing up norm and criterion,establish and amplify the plant protection information network, strengthen prevention and curing work about plant diseases and insect pests with new concept, by means of introducing and breeding a good variety, enrich the urban plant species, enlarge the area of nursery, strengthen direction to grow seedlings scheme, speed up the manufacturing, establishing the urban afforesting proposals and the measures such as species resources informations system and so on. The researching conclusion supplys technique and theory guidance to the species application scheme to build ecologic garden city in Harbin and supply the bases of planting material plan and clarify new concept of how to treat external species and variety quality of living beings correctly.It is positive to beautify Harbin landscape. It also offers correlative theory directions and demonstrations to other cities of the same area. It supplys directive advices to manufacture of the Acer negundo to avoid the blindness of manufacture and application.

  • 【分类号】S792.35-1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】253

