

Study on the Design Method for the Greenland of Waterworks Districts in Ecological Landscape Type

【作者】 范金萍

【导师】 许大为; 冯秀萍;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展及城市人口数量的急剧增长,城市用水量日益增加。为了满足不断增长的城市生产、生活用水,城市水厂数量、规模也逐渐扩大。 不断增加的水厂数量、不断扩大的水厂规模,使水厂厂区绿地建设也日臻重要。水厂厂区绿地不仅对自身生产建设、环境建设有着极其重要的作用,同时也是城市绿地系统的有机组成要素,对城市绿地系统整体功能的发挥起着不可忽视的作用。 水厂绿地是伴随现代化城市而产生的一种新型绿地,然而,当前水厂厂区绿地大多为防护型绿地或绿化型绿地,厂区绿化设计中更多考虑的是视觉上的美观,却忽视了厂区绿地生态效益的充分发挥。如何针对水厂特定的空间环境进行景观设计,使水厂厂区绿化建设充分体现水厂自身的生产特点,同时又能具备一定的观赏性及一定的生态功能,这就要求有一种新颖的设计规划方法,使三者在水厂环境内最佳的融合,这正是本文所要研究的内容。 本文针对哈尔滨市八处水厂厂区绿地规划建设的现状,运用景观生态学和传统的景观分析评价的方法,对其绿地的空间类型、木本植物多样性及不同绿地类型生态效益等进行了定性、定量的分析和评价。提出了厂区绿化首先应与水厂自身的生产特点紧密结合,即:要充分考虑水厂厂区的地下管网、地下贮水池、净水车间、原料堆放场等区域对绿化的特殊要求;同时还要将水厂厂区绿地做为城市绿地系统的一个有机组成要素,有效地增加木本植物的使用数量及木本植物品种的多样性,同时进行科学合理的种植配置,使水厂厂区绿化即具有自身的绿化特点,同时又具有一定的观赏性及一定的生态功能。本文在哈尔滨市市区水厂绿地规划建设现状的基础上,从现代设计理念入手,以全新的思维方式,科学地提出了哈尔滨市市区水厂厂区绿地规划建设的新理念。 通过对哈尔滨市市区水厂绿地景观的分析和规划,旨在总结出生态园林型水厂厂区绿地设计的一般方法和过程。

【Abstract】 With the high development of economy and acute aggravation of urban population, the water-consumption is multiplied for the need of factories and lives. In order to cope with such problem, urban waterworks, correspondingly, are expanded both in numbers and on scales.The growing number of waterworks and big explosion on its scale make the greenland structure most important. The greenland construction around the waterworks not only exert a profound influence in its own production and construction as well as environment construction but also can be an organic part of civic greenland system, which can play a certain role in the whole function of urban greenland system.As a greenland of new type, waterworks comes into being in company with the civic modernization. However, presently, the greenland around the waterworks, most of which are protected-type or spectacular-type and whose designs are most vision-orientated, neglecting its ecological efficiency. According to the specific surroundings of waterworks, how to make a greenland -design which can be not only fit to the characteristic of water production but also have an artistic spectacle as well as ecological function so that it can constitute an integration of art, ecology and diversity, is the issue discussed in this paper.This paper, according to the present layout of greenland design around the eight department of Harbin waterworks, makes an appraisal on the constitutional type of spacious factors of spectacular greenland, the diversity of wooden-plants and ecological efficiency of different type of greenland in both a specific quality and quantity, by using the method of spectacular ecology and traditional spectacular analysis and evaluation. In this thesis, we advocate that the planning of green land in waterworks should combine produce charcter itself, such as :thinking over the charcteric claim that the underground canals underground saving water pool and cleaning water workshop to the green land in waterworks, in the meantime, it is important that making the green space of the waterworks as a component part of the urban landscape green space system .through increasing the number and diversity of wooden-plants, making the green space of the waterworks as organic integration of art ecology and diversity. Based on the present situation of Harbin waterworks greenland design, under the modern principle and in a meditative way of innovation, does the article scientifically propose a new plan about the urban landscape design ofHarbin waterworks.The purpose, through the analysis and design on the urban landscape of Harbin waterworks, is to make a general design on common methods and process of the greenland design around the waterworks in ecological landscape type.

【关键词】 水厂绿地生态园林设计
【Key words】 waterworksgreenlandecological landscapedesign
  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】397

