

Reinforced Earth Technique and It’s Application in PanZhiHua City

【作者】 邱承斌

【导师】 周德培; 郭长春;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 加筋土技术自20世纪60年代问世以来,就备受工程技术人员推崇。它作为一种新技术、新结构、新材料,以其十分显著的技术经济效益而风靡世界。在我国亦得到非常广泛的应用,特别是近几年,其相关技术、材料的发展十分迅速,逐步向世界水平看齐。加筋土是由土和筋条共同组成的复合材料,它是通过在土体内配置一定数量的筋材使其成为优良的工程结构物而承受荷载。加筋土挡墙由墙面板、拉筋及填土组成,通过三者间的协调作用,发挥各自材料的优势,改善了挡土结构的性能。这种结构具有良好的工程特性和十分良好的应用前景,它造价低、施工简便、占地少、地基适应性强、造型美观。 攀枝花市加筋土技术应用较晚,1996年第一座加筋土挡墙在“炳清线”上竣工,目前,加筋土技术已广泛地应用于城市道路和市政工程的建设中,特别是攀枝花市三中运动场加筋土挡墙,单级高度接近22m,在同类结构中,国内少见。本文系统阐述了当前加筋土技术应用现状,从实际工作着手,以刚竣工的攀枝花市三中运动场超高加筋土挡墙的设计、施工为背景,对原型观测资料进行分析、比较、研究。 本论文从理论分析和试验两方面对超高加筋土挡墙的工作性能进行了阐述,进而加深了认识,得出了一些普遍的结论,这些可以作为今后制订相关规范等的参考,同时对解决设计和施工中的具体问题具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 The reinforced earth is fashionable all over the world for it has super remarkable virtues of technical and economical benefit as a sort of new technique, new structure, new material. Reinforced earth is a set of multiplex material composed of soils and reinforces. It bearing load as a super civil engineering structure for there is some reinforcement in fill. The reinforced earth retaining wall is composed of facing panel, reinforcement and filling and exerts their virtues .It has some characteristic such as lower price, simple construction , little glebe far-ranging applicability of subsoil , pretty shape ,etc.In 1996, the first reinforced earth retaining wall was built in Panzhihua City,now it is widely used in highway and municipal projects. This paper studies in detail the achievement and current situation of the reinforced earth technique, base on the observation of the reinforced earth retaining wall in the third senior school of Panzhihua City.On basis of collecting information about the application of the reinforced earth technique .theoretical analysis and full-scale mode test are carried out to research the application of the technique in super-high retaining wall.In this thesis, theoretical analysis and full-scale mode test are carried out to research the application of reinforced earth in super-high retaining wall. Some general conclusions obtained can be regarded as the reference of related codes. The research is useful in the structural design and construction practices.

  • 【分类号】TU476
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】177

